Left Lemmy due to public voting, may be back if no alternative arises.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 21st, 2023

  • Agreed, I am incredibly confused by what seems to be the majority reaction to this.

    I’ve never been particularly involved with the FOSS community, though I do use a few FOSS apps and generally appreciate their view on what FOSS means. I also strongly appreciate data privacy, and it was my observation that the FOSS community was (generally) relatively the same way. So to see this reaction is very surprising. It’s quite literally the same terrible argument of “Why fear it if you have nothing to hide” used against multiple data privacy concerns throughout the years.

    I think the worst are the bad faith “But Reddit…!” arguments. For one, we’re not on Reddit anymore, this is about Lemmy’s issues that can be corrected. And for two, whilst Reddit potentially outsourcing that data to the highest bidder is far from ideal, at the very least the data wasn’t outright PUBLIC to anyone who wishes to set up a simple server.

  • I mean, there’s the land around Hyrule, and also the oceans as I was hinting in my comment. Yona is also apparently from another domain, which could perhaps a sea based one? They could expand the current Hyrule via the rivers and lakes as well as an even further restored Hyrule, perhaps expanding some of the towns and villages. As for story, I feel like they keep hinting at the Triforce without actually implementing it fully, so maybe that?

    Deeper depths or higher sky also seems possible, though I don’t think they’d do that, as much as they feel prototypical to some degree. Seeing the original home of the Zonai would be cool though, if it’s still there extremely high up. Perhaps a proper dark world? I know the Depths are a pseudo-implementation of that, but even so.

  • My logic behind joining lemmy.world was that defederation may be an issue, current or future, therefore it made sense to join the one that for one has the most people, and for two is the least likely to be defederated or randomly defederate others.

    Granted, I believe beehaw did in fact defederate .world, and I think it was not long after, so maybe I did choose poorly.

    I was tempted to join feddit.uk, but I wasn’t sure if that would put the unnecessary identifier of “This guy’s probably British!” on me everywhere I go.

  • Can they keep with the same new formula?

    Yes, absolutely.

    Should they?

    I’m on the fence about this. On the one hand, it’s a great formula, and many current Zelda fans have grown up with and have known little else (except maybe Skyward Sword HD). Nintendo has had great success with it, so I can’t imagine they’d depart from it soon, as much as attempting to predict Nintendo is a futile endeavour. On the other, I have my gripes with it, and I dearly miss the classic formula.

    I think at the very least, they’re going to turn this into a trilogy within the same Hyrule. I don’t know if it’s my imagination, but the oceans and Eventide Island seemed a lot more fleshed out this time around, so maybe they’ll do a Wind Waker type thing to be a counterpart like BotW is to Zelda 1 and TotK is to OoT/MM.

    Based on some of the BotW concept art, it’s clear the team is capable of coming up with a lot of ideas. The “Modern” Zelda concept almost certainly inspired the Master Cycle DLC, and the “Hyrule Invasion” concept potentially also inspired the Zonai stuff. So I think they’ll come up with neat stuff regardless.

    (Edit for Typos.)

  • The hybrid design is probably the way they’re going to go. I’d love a higher spec one that isn’t though, even if it’s just a pipe dream. The ideal set-up for me personally would be:

    • “New Switch Lite” - Undockable, permanently handheld, like the Switch Lite but with better hardware.

    • “New Switch” - Dockable, again like the Switch, but better hardware.

    • “New Switch Pro” - Undockable, permanently docked, better hardware than the New Switch.

    New Switch obviously not the best name, but my creativity is bankrupt. At least it’s not Switch U.

  • I heard mention of it occasionally, but that was also years after the initial move from Digg, so I can’t comment on what it was like first hand during the initial move time.

    However, I don’t think anyone viewed Reddit as a “spite site” for Digg, Reddit was around for years and was semi-popular before Digg committed suicide. It was simply the natural move.

    Lemmy on the other hand has been around for a little bit, since 2019 as far as I can tell, but a rather minimal userbase.

    Certainly if we get to the point where Lemmy (and its current userbase at minimum) sticks around for a few more years, it’ll likely largely move past the whole Reddit fiasco. But it also needs a large variety of non-reddit-related content to interest users, otherwise this site will likely die before it gets there.

  • I’m uncertain.

    A fair portion of the communities I followed on Reddit were rather niche, so it might be a bit before similar communities pop up here. I’m also not completely sold on the fediverse concept, and there’s a strong focus on Reddit hate here rather than actual new content.

    On the other hand, I think it has a lot of promise, and the 3rd party app I used for Reddit is also coming here, so I think it has a lot of potential. I just hope Lemmy comes into its own eventually.

  • Possibly an unpopular opinion, but I don’t think Lemmy should be viewed as “spite sites”. If the entire focus of the community here is to point and laugh at Reddit’s failures, rather than actually provide an adequate site’s worth of unique content, people will quickly get tired of it and leave.

    Of course, it’s the hot topic at the moment so it’s understandable, but I hope we’ll move away from it at some point.