3 days agoAccording to Zeit online he’s German and has been known for psychological issues.
According to Zeit online he’s German and has been known for psychological issues.
Delayed processing is not exactly uncommon in autistic people. My husband knows not to repeat himself immediately when I ask “what did you say?” because usually I heard him just fine and just need a minute or two to process. Him repeating himself actually stops the processing and I need to start again.
There’s a pretty interesting book that also explains this quite well: “Sensory perceptual issues in autism and Asperger’s syndrome” by Olga Bogdashina. It’s a bit older which explains the title but still very interesting.
Or, and hear me out here, the current political climate scares people and those with psychological issues can be pushed over the edge more easily. This man has been known for issues like that according to Zeit online.