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Joined 5 months ago
Cake day: January 26th, 2024


  • But all of that is ignoring the power imbalance. There is very sophisticated techniques being used to control what people hear, think and say. And that technology or science is getting better every day. And that power is overwhelmingly in the hands of those who have lots of money or “economic power”. They can hire the smartest sociopaths.

    While most people are too busy living their lives and are less interested in devoting their whole live to acquiring or keeping power. Or they belong to the unfortunate 50% of people who are less than average in mental capability. They are the easiest to manipulate.

    There are certain flaws in how we see our society and how you represent it. And your explanation doesn’t explain any of that. It HIDES those explanation and redirects focus away from the actual causes.

    We as a civilization have parasitic elements and can manipulate by exploiting emotions or weaknesses or disadvantages. Saying we deserve that abuse is like saying someone deserves to be robbed because they were too weak to fight back. Few people want to live in a world like that.

  • Think of it as “throwing shit against the wall and seeing what sticks”. That is the role of intellectuals or pundits, whatever you want to call the class that disseminates ideology / PR. There are lots of them and they spout all sorts of crazy stuff. Now basically it’s like the theory of evolution through natural selection. Except as individuals we are intelligent and can make decisions like “oh that sold clicks” or “oh that helped pass that law”. Who decides that? Well those who work for those that own everything and who see it as their job to increase profit.

    So basically ideology is like a secretion of a specialized class that is filtered and selected to “work”.

    So my theory is that after decades of wealth transfer and increasing inequality, dwindling middle class and lowering of effective quality of life, you need “stronger secretions” to control the masses. Because the old ideology doesn’t work any more. One word for it is late stage capitalism.

    Another environmental aspect that plays into this I think is climate change - since we already failed to prevent what could result in our extinction or at least in countless genocides, what social contract remains? Why even pretend to be civilized when our civilization obviously has gone insane? Like a decadent indulgence in an orgy of hatred. Or just insanity like in “Don’t look up”.

  • Ultimately, you always get the politicians you deserve. If your choice is always a bit shit, perhaps you need to look at yourselves instead of complaining about who is assumed to be the best choice.

    That is madness. The reason the US gets shit candidates is because of shit takes like that (sorry). Because there are incredibly forces at work. Not “behind the scenes” so much as baked into the rules of the system. Economic power rules all. And those who pursue power or money without regard for anything else are statistically the most likely to achieve it.