HS: Mind game is also an incredibly beautiful animated movie from 2004, wholeheartedly recommended.
HS: Mind game is also an incredibly beautiful animated movie from 2004, wholeheartedly recommended.
In the open source world, you show respect by forking. Not by licking the ass of data monsters.
Hewww, I was not aware of this book, thanks.
Wikipedia link “see also” section has a nice list of “Steal this” related content.
Its wose mentionning that this comic name is inspired by “Still this film”. A 2 parts documentary from 2006/2007 about our freedom restriction implied by copyright laws and intelectual property non-sense. From TBP team, before TBP AFK. Very interresting to see. Sadly 20 years after, nothing has changed…
Of course it’s free to “steal”, magnets are hidden in this messy website: https://stealthisfilm.org/Part1/ https://stealthisfilm.org/Part2/
yt-dlp --sponsorblock-remove all <url>
is the way. It turns playlist link into nicely named, curated video files awaiting to played by a regular video player
Thanks, you just improved my privacy by making me discover lemmy block user button.