Each game tells you where they are in the timeline in relation to the other games
They setup the new world in preparation for the main theme, sure. At its deepest level that was always just (up until Skyward Sword when Nintendo began monetising fan-created lore) the echo of a myth throughout time and reality. The fans so desperate to make a direct linear connection between the conclusion of one game and the traditional introductory cut-scene of the next are so far down their rabbit hole they seem completely unable to accept the much more logical explanation that it’s just a convenient way for Nintendo to recycle the same basic narrative structure that has been used in almost every single game.
Your initial criticism wasn’t even that it was bad, just that it was shallow, which is an objective truth. The triggered minority who identify as blue cat people don’t want to live in reality with the rest of us though, so they have to come up with these cope reasons like “you’re just a hater” or “you’re just too dumb to understand it”. Like you can enjoy the franchise and not pretend it has more depth or symbolic value than it actually does, there is nothing wrong with enjoying some light entertainment. People always have to make these things their entire personality now though, so any valid critique immediately gets twisted into a personal attack.