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Cake day: July 23rd, 2023


  • IceBerg@lemmy.worldtoPolitical Memes@lemmy.worlddebate club
    9 months ago

    Wait. To counter my argument that there is no Palestine you provide a snapshot of the mandate recognizing the historical connection of the Jewish people to the land? Doesn’t that counter your arguments? Yes, the british called this peice of land Palestine. Do you know where the name originates from? The Jewish Bible where the Philistines are mentioned as large red headed folk probably originating from somewhere near Greece. So do the current Palestinians claim to be their decendants? Jewish people have always lived in the region of Israel which was under the occupation of numerous other empries. The arab folk living in Israel prior to 1948 can trace their heritages to a myriad of neighboring countries such as Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Egypt, Iraq and so forth (Some of their surnames are a clear indication of that).

  • IceBerg@lemmy.worldtoPolitical Memes@lemmy.worlddebate club
    9 months ago

    Unfortunately, I know this for a fact (I’m from Israel, talked to people who were there). It’s not even the worst thing that was done. As Israel is torn between protecting the victims of the attacks and explaining them to the world, the proof you require will probably never be shown. I assume you are familiar with the “Hamas horror film”? Is what it shows not enough to go to an all out war against an enemy that has very clearly shown its only goal is your total destruction?

  • IceBerg@lemmy.worldtoPolitical Memes@lemmy.worlddebate club
    9 months ago

    What would be a reasonable amount? What do you consider a reasonable response towards people who decapitate babies? Bake them in ovens in front of their parents? Rape women while mutilating their bodies? The list goes on. What’s a reasonable response for a country that has had this thing done upon it?

    Israel is at war. A war it did not start and it will do everything it can to ensure rhis never happens again.

    Another question for you, if Gaza is so dangerous for innocent civilians due to indiscriminate bombings, why isn’t Egypt taking in refugees? Why aren’t civilians allowed to take shelter in the kilometers of underground tunnels which were built using th billions (yes billions) of dollars the Gaza strip has received over the years?

  • IceBerg@lemmy.worldtoPolitical Memes@lemmy.worlddebate club
    9 months ago

    Israel has lost over 500 soldiers to date. Why put soldiers at risk? You can be sure that if all Israel wanted was annihilation then there are way better ways (dumb bombs as you say) to just completely level Gaza. Israel is targeting military targets which reside within dense population. This sometimes results in unintended deaths thats war. Also, journalists in war zone tend to get killed. Especially ones which embed themselves within combatants. I would also argue the actual number of journalists killed is much smaller, as the definition of a “journalist” is very fluid these days. But that’s just my speculation at the moment, I don’t have facts to back that up.

  • IceBerg@lemmy.worldtoPolitical Memes@lemmy.worlddebate club
    9 months ago

    That’s proof that there is a war on. No proof of any systematic killings. Based on Palestinian reports there are about 20000 dead, no information of course on how many of them combatants. So over the course of 3 months you have a less than 1 percent fatalities. I point you back to my meme and ask tou where’s the genocide. In the ww2 bombing of dresden 25000 people were killed in just 4 attacks. Israel is doing everything possible to kill only combatants. As I mentioned earlier it is impossible to avoid civilian deaths as they are being used as human shields. Military equipment is constantly being found in hospitals, mosques, schools and under childrens beds.

  • IceBerg@lemmy.worldtoPolitical Memes@lemmy.worlddebate club
    9 months ago

    The Israel government on the other hand is adamant to kill every last Palestinian or ethnically cleanse them with forced displacement. - please show your proof. And please don’t give me quotes from several outliers which unfortunately have been brought recently into the Israeli government. They don’t represent the majority of Israel as apperantly the multitudes cheering in the streets while the October 7th hostiges were paraded through Gaza streets represent the people of Gaza.

  • IceBerg@lemmy.worldtoPolitical Memes@lemmy.worlddebate club
    10 months ago

    “there still exists Palestine and its people”. No. Before the state of Israel there was the british occupation. Before that the turkish ottoman empire. Before that there was an Egyptian rule and so on and so on. There were wars and the rule of this specific piece of land changed. At no point in history was there ever a Palstinian country. There is no Palestinian that can trace his lineage to some Palestinian hundreds of years ago. During all of history there were both jewish and arabs living in Israel. Calling the jewish people of Israel “colonists” is trying to change history and paint it as if jews came on ships to this country like conquistadors. After WW2, the UN decided that, maybe, after trying to exterminate the jewish people, it would make sense to give them some small pice of land to officially call their own. The arabs, instead of accepting the split launched a war in whclich they lost. And yes, many people were evicted from theor homes. Such is war. Then, they had multiple chances to accept peace offerings and build a country, instead they kept rejecting the offers and kept launching attacks at Israel. Culminating with the oct/7 attack which is where we find ourselves today. As i mentioned earlier, you and many around the world would like the Jews to just die. That won’t happen. What you should be doing is making memes about Hamas and how they keep enriching their leaders pockets and building terror infrastructure instead of helping the Palestinian people.

  • IceBerg@lemmy.worldtoPolitical Memes@lemmy.worlddebate club
    10 months ago

    So you’re calling for decolonization of all countries in the world? Every person should immigrate back to their country of origin? And how long back is “country of origin” defined? Do you acknowledge that all Jewish people originate from Israel or is that something we need to debate as well?

  • The Palestinian people have had many many options to accept a two state solution and “be free”. But they will never be free because their leaders only want the distruction of Israel and death of all jews. And, since the people and the rest of the world are intent on critisizing only Israel and making no moves towards freeing the Palestinian people from Hamas, they will NOT be free.

  • I think it’s unfair to expect a people to just belly up and die because Jihadists are using their own people as human shields. There have been over 7 times where the Palestinian people have had a chance to establish an actual state. They refused each and every time. So I’m struggling to see a parallel between what Israel is doing (defending its people) vs what you are suggesting.

    1. Hang on, don’t stop. Which countries? And by new palastine do you mean the one controlled by Hamas who have kill all jews and christians in their charter? So basically just kill everyone who is currently living in Israel?
    2. So all the christian and muslim arabs who are Israeli citizens too. Right? You wouldn’t want to come off as a racist impliying only jews should be displaced would you?