• 2 Posts
Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: June 7th, 2024

  • I mean there is a thing going all the way back to the silent generation who had a taste of the depression and so had some knowledge of truly bad times. Even younger boomers had a decent chance of getting a job that you could raise a family with just a high school degree and older ones could be pretty successful. Having a pension was the usual. Losers who managed fast food could still afford a place of their own and a fixer upper car. I saw these things go away as an Xer but I know its still better than those after me. college loans for me was like a car loan. A very nice car, like luxury care, but still a car. So college was doable even for those whose parents could not help out. It was not long after I graduated that college loans became like mortgages for the millenials. You can have a car loan with no car and get by and you can’t be doing a mortgage with no shelter to show for it. All the while a college degree debased to where its basically the high school minimum needed for any shot. Its that much worse for gen Z and I don’t even want to imagine what gen alpha will have. Thats just economic. Then you take the giant fall back we had with environmental regulations with reagan. There was a lot of environmental consciousness in the 70’s and it essentailly evaporated in the 80’s with yuppies and greed is good. Granted this is mostly a republican effect but who were the reagan democrats? I get that many boomers are great and its not that the generations that follow are individually so great but the way its shaken out it just gets to be a more and more raw deal for each successive generation.

  • seems to just be age for me. I have been biking my whole life bit it was in my 30’s where when I do it especially a lot I would start to feel it. And yes I make sure my ride geometry does not allow for a deep knee bend. Anything really can set it off now and sometimes it just comes on its one. same with other aches and pains that have shown up over time. im not on the good side of 50 at this point though but it was in the thirties where the first things started showing up.