Gentle nerd freak of the pacific northwest. All nation states are vermin.

  • 1 Post
Joined 3 months ago
Cake day: June 26th, 2024

  • White House has absolutely zero control over an immediate and permanent cease fire, or lifting the Gaza blockade, that’s all on Israel

    The white house has plenty of influence over israel, they’ve just chosen to green light the genocide and netanyahu’s regional escalation against the advice of our own experts.

    An arms embargo would empower anti-netanyahu voices in israel who could point to his mismanaging of israel’s most important bilateral. It would reduce the rate and kind of weapons the idf could bring to bear against civilians, saving lives.

  • You can find isolated examples from western cuisines (often rich people food) but mixing savoury and sweet is still an exception. You don’t get things like how palm sugar is used in so many savory staples from SE Asian. Applesauce or quince paste aren’t as ubiquitous in western food as chutney is in Indian.

    I’ve also just met way more westerners who talk about salty/sweet mixes being gross. Raisins in rice, pineapple on pizza and fruit in salad are all things I’ve heard (mostly americans or australians) react strongly to.

  • “Chinese” mummies is a bit misleading. The Tarim Basin has a long history of Chinese rule/influence, but not that far back.

    These mummies are from a unique population that descended largely from Ancient North Eurasians, a group who contributed smaller percentages of ancestry to Northern Chinese people, Europeans, Siberians and Native Americans.

    So these cheese enthusiasts are less Chinese and more like distant foreign relatives to the Chinese who adopted dairy-heavy pastoralism after it expanded through the steppe.