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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: May 31st, 2023


  • I think the core of this is the hurtful aspects of gender roles men and boys face about how to handle and express emotions creates the situation of increased suicidality. Yeah firearms access is going to enable suicidal people to act upon their ideation, but taking it away just leaves you with a depressed/anxious guy, who doesn’t have the knowledge or resources to overcome his negative emotions. I’m not saying this in a “it’s a mental health issue not a gun issue” way, but society really normalizes the ignorance of mens’ emotions and for men to not build support for managing their emotions, be it intimate friendships, healthcare resources, healthy expression of emotions.

    I think it’s good topic to bring up, because there’s a lot of things leading to men not doing too well, and I think it’d be dumb to ignore it, given the rise of acts of violence we’ve seen in the past decade from men who really feel disconnected or disillusioned with society. Finding out what we can do to help men cope with hardship in a more productive way, and ultimately address the root causes of the issues they face can improve things for men, as well as everyone in society.

  • I’m sorry you had to handle that. Though, this is an inevitable problem for a site hosting user-generated content of any sort. I think not hosting your own content is the biggest first step. It might be better to depend on external image/filesharing sites like how things used to work with imgur, photobucket, flickr, etc. (is photobucket around anymore, lol?). This does pose a risk for link rot and what not, but I think given the scale of this operation, there’s no reason to having to be scanning your own servers for illegal content any more than you have to for basic moderation. I’m not sure how this issue works with federation (if another lemmy instance hosted a bad image/thumbnail/message, does that get copied over to beehaw?), but if your risk tolerance doesn’t want to deal with it, a non-federated option would give you more control.

    In general user generated content is always going to pose a risk to the website hosting it. It’s a matter of good risk management, from prevention and mitigation to an effective response, that will best serve both the administration and the users in terms of ensuring a safe service and minimizing legal risk.

  • It’s really another instance of legal gun owners getting shafted because it sounds better to just ban concealed carry than to address the causes of gun violence in the city. That would require more effort and ultimately the political benefit looks better because democrats will die with goal of disarming the citizenry, and the republicans and conservatives don’t care about the suffering and root causes that lead to cultures of violence (gang crime, road rage, shooting people turning around in your driveway or who knock on your door), heck in some cases they benefit from it.

    While I’m not sold on the idea on mandatory training (I don’t trust governments enough make it accessible and useful), i’d be ignorant to think that training shouldn’t be made an expectation of ownership if not legally, than socially. There’s lot’s of people I just dread the fact they carry a gun. Reddit’s CCW subreddit has way too many posts that are essentially “Can I kill this guy?” Luckily there’s people there who do their best to educate and share resources and try to encourage a defensive mindset, away from the aggressive, “if you mess with me i’ll kill you” mindset.

  • Hobby stores and websites have melt and pour soap that you can melt in a mixing bowl, add fragrance and color, then pour it into a mold and let cool. The beauty bars you can often buy at the store (dove, irish spring, etc.) are made with detergents, and don’t often react well to trying to melt them, the stuff made to be melting has extra glycerin to help it melt down and harden without getting nasty.

    Brambleberry is where I buy my soap supplies. They also have guides and youtube tutorials/Q&A vids. https://www.brambleberry.com/

    Making soap is fun! The easiest thing would be some melt and pour, and fragrance oils and a cheap bowl and loaf pan from Walmart or the dollar store.

  • If the bad things are going to happen, there’s little we can do to stop it, once it has been set into motion (no one person led to climate change). What we can do is control our response. We can do our best to mitigate what risks we can, and ultimately we can do our best to make the most of the situation we are in. That’s the one thing we can do as individuals to make things better for our future selves and our descendants, we can be compassionate to those around us and work to inspire our communities to do that too.

    All in all, nothing tonight that you can think up will change the climate or the world’s response to it. We can worry about the future, but we only will know what the future holds as it occurs, so it doesn’t do much good to assume that the worst is necessarily going to happen. Catastrophizing sucks, and I know what you’re struggling with right now. Perhaps a counselor/therapist could help you understand and manage your anxious thoughts. You’re definitely not the first or only one to have these fears, so don’t feel bad about it. I hope some of the comments put you at ease and help you get some rest.

  • I play it occasionally. I generally have runs of good times and then runs of bad times, 30ks, random explosions/deaths. I would say I have gotten enough fun out of the starter pack that it is worth it. I probably wouldn’t pledge if I could go back in time, but I do enjoy the Vulture, so I hope they go back and make salvage profitable again, so you can make good money on something besides just bounty hunting, since most other stuff isn’t that profitable on a aUEC/time ratio. Things have been wonky for the past bit after Invictus, so I’m waiting for the next update to roll up to the live PU.

  • I think the deal is, you either pay cash or you pay with your data. While it definitely does increase friction for new users (and even existing users as finances fluctuate), a donation based system might be worth it. Something like wikipedia, archive.org, and other NPOs do. Incentives might be possible too, creating goals for getting X amount of donations to fund a specific improvement. It increases interest by defining a product or improvement, and increases buy-in by giving the donor the sense that they’re directly improving the site through their donation.

  • I think Beehaw and many other instances have golden hearts for their goal to start a stable, friendly community. However, like the article says, there’s no such thing as a free lunch. Eventually, when an instance gets big enough, someone needs to be on watch to ensure things are running smoothly, someone needs to be working on updating, expanding, and improving the service. On top of the cost to run the service, it’s unrealistic to expect it to be free. You can’t expect the admins who have busted their ass to get this much done for free. Call it human nature or the ills of capitalism, but the fediverse can’t run on community and goodwill alone. I saw another post a bit ago saying to expect to pay for internet services from now on. I think, at least in the realm of user-focused and FOSS-based stuff, that may be the paradigm. Donations or subscriptions should be expected, at least for some portion of users, to keep the lights on and compensate the folks keeping things moving.