
  • 40 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 29th, 2023


  • I haven’t had boxed Mac and cheese in a while, usually Costco’s premade is a favorite at parties so I have also given up trying to make Mac and cheese myself.

    Cracker Barrel and the Walmart brand equivalent have been my family’s favorite for the rare occasion where we make boxed Mac and cheese. I grew up with Kraft, but now it makes me feel sick for a while after. I tried the Cheetos one with some friends once when it was new, expecting it to be terrible, and it really upset our stomachs, I was also pretty grossed out at how neon orange it was.

  • I’ve been downloading my favorite AH videos all day in case WB decides to pull content, with their history you never know. I was looking into setting up a local NAS last weekend, and all these videos might be my push, I think I’m up to 250 GB downloaded (shoutout to youtube-dl) with the long 1080p60 files, hopefully I can cut that down with some HandBrake trickery.

    The writing was on the walls for a while, Achievement Hunter breaking up was a huge red flag, but definitely not the first sign. I have only really consumed their podcasts for the last few years, and it sounds like The Roost will continue for now while WB looks for a buyer, but I think we have to wait for their stream tomorrow to find out what that means in terms of what productions if any are going to continue.

  • I have been working on costume parts, my process with split pieces is first assemble with painter’s tape to get a test fit, disassemble, super glue the pieces together with locktite gel control, sand with 80 and then 220 grit, paint with rustoleum 2-in-1 sandable filler, fill in gaps and seams with bondo glazing spot putty, sand the entire thing with 220, and then repeat paint-bondo-sand until I am happy with the surface before I move onto actually painting.

    Basically this process.

    If I don’t want to paint something, and don’t care too much about layer lines, I’ll usually use super glue and then a wood burner to melt the edges together. It isn’t the prettiest, but it works fine.

  • I have had too many times where I have been confused trying to figure out a giant nested loop because the writer used i/j/k or x/y/z. It’s even worse when they confused when a particular bug is because they confused what their single letter variables were and used j somewhere instead of i and no one caught it because it is so easy to brush over. Name your stuff what it is, make your life easier, make others lives easier.