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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: October 24th, 2023

  • Do you have any idea how difficult it is to just get up and move country? Or to try to immigrate from a war zone to a developed country? Have you seen how the (especially non white/european) people who try are being treated??
    As an ex-Israeli I was lucky enough to be able to do it many many years ago because I have dual nationality and family elsewhere I was able to depend on, but most Israelis, never mind Palestinians, don’t have either, or the money to be able to afford to move, or a country that will allow them in.
    Check your privilege.

  • I was lucky enough to have dual nationality and left many years ago, but then I always knew I would because I never felt like I fit in there, so I have no regrets, except for not leaving sooner - before the army would have been better, but I wasn’t able too get out of it.

    Be prepared though - life as an immigrant and a foreigner can have it’s own challenges, as can being a Jew outside of Israel, and the “grass” - the political and social aspects of life might be different, but it isn’t necessarily greener - fascism is on the rise more or less everywhere you go, as is the cost of living.

    You only get one life, as long as you aren’t harming anyone - do what’s best for you, and remember that to create a better society the workers of the world need to unite, so it doesn’t matter where you are physically, you can and should still be part of a force for change.

    I don’t want to give too much personal information, but if you have any questions, I can do my best to answer.

  • Show me where I support zionism?
    Knowing and acknowledging history doesn’t equal support for its results.
    Whereas you literally just attach non-existent motives to a comment that challenges your narrow and wilfully ignorant world view so you can outright dismiss it because that’s easier than thinking a little more in depth about the reality and complexity of a situation you clearly know little about (and clearly aren’t interested in understanding)…
    It’s not as if someone with relevant lived experience might actually know more than your sheltered ass… /s

  • You’re slightly and conveniently ignoring the actual colonisers of the region at that time - the British and French, and the parts they played in all of that (you can look to the partition of India or their other colonial “projects” for similar tactics on a bigger scale).

    I am not justifying or defending the actions of the state of Israel against Palestine, but don’t say people don’t bother looking at the history and then only deliver a partial version of it.

    Israelis and Palestinians both have a rightful place in the region, and have existed side by side continuously for thousands and thousands of years, the deep division that exists today is the product of colonial intervention dividing the locals and setting them against each other to make them all easier to conquer.

    Edit to add that things haven’t changed much today, the British may no longer colonise the land, but all of the large superpowers are contributing financially and politically to continue to divide the local population rather than promote a peaceful solution, still because of vested financial interest - not only weapons R&D but also the massive gas reserves off the coast of Gaza their trying to get their hands on. Ignoring the bigger picture of this conflict doesn’t help anyone.

  • I don’t support the state of Israel, but I hate this bullshit argument so much - where do you think the European Jews came from to Europe, and why?

    They came from Israel (the region, not the state, which didn’t exist then) which they were expelled from, over generations, again and again, buy actual colonisers. And only wanted too return after centuries of pogroms that culminated in the holocaust, which was perpetrated by actual white supremacists.

    Are racism, xenophobia, islamophobia and colourism all happening, and are influenced by white supremacy? Yes. Can Jews ever really be considered white supremacists? Not by any actual white supremacist, so no…

    Is the state of Israel and the illegal settlements it supports now occupying some lands that aren’t theres and oppressing the Palestinians whos lands those are? Yes.

    Should they give those lands back and let their rightful residents live on them in peace (and be willing to share the places that are culturally and historically to both)? Yes.

    Is Israel an apartheid state that discriminates against its Arab citizens? Yes.

    Do Palestinians deserve freedom? Yes.

    Does any of this erase thousands of years of history and mean that Jews, from wherever the fuck they were expelled to in the diaspora don’t also have a rightful place on the land or are in any way comparable to actual colonisers who went to foreign lands they nor their ancestors had never set foot on and take them over? Absolutely fucking not.

    More people really should actually study the history before making such ignorant claims https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_the_Jews_and_Judaism_in_the_Land_of_Israel

  • a functioning government

    Tell me you know nothing about Israeli politics without saying you know nothing about Israeli politics (the country is run by a bunch of literal criminals. Do they care about the Palestinians? No. But do they care about the Israelis who aren’t directly related to them, and even then not always? Also no. If someone told you “Israel the only democracy in the middle east” you’d call bullshit, and you’d be right, so don’t pull out a “functioning government” when it’s convenient. they are run by fascists, standing up to those in power is becoming harder and harder, just look at the last few elections and the reactions to protests)

  • What’s disturbing is that the Israelian government seems to care very little about those hostages.

    They don’t care at all, Netanyahu and his right wing cohorts are so concerned with holding on too their seats that they don’t even realise that taking responsibility for this mess and focusing on freeing the hostages would get a lot of the population to back them again (they shouldn’t, but they would), to them conflict = distraction = more time to fund more illegal settlements to make sure another conflict is always coming up, all so they can keep living like kings at the expense of the whole region.

    And of course not at the same level, but Hamas leadership aren’t acting in the best interest of their people either, yes, they are reacting to oppression which is understandable, but they’re doing it a way that won’t ever lead to that oppression ending, but only to their population to be decimated (if they had attacked only military targets and power/water supply and transportation routs like destroying roads and railways, they could have shut Israel down, add maybe banks or other financial institutions, and they would have put the Israeli government in a much harder position)

  • Sorry to link to facebook, but this is a relevant post I saw a few days ago to do with this, in Hebrew, see general idea bellow


    Basically the man in the photo speaking too Netanyahu, Shmuel Medad, is one of those who joined the meeting uninvited at the last minute and who wasn’t known to any of the other families. This and other photos from the meeting of parents hugging Netanyahu were not taken by anyone in the original group of families, but have been published as ‘officially’ from the families of the kidnapped and in their name.

    Medad is the head of honenu a far right nationalist legal aid organisation.

    He is close friends and works with another man, Hagai Ben Artzi.

    Hagai Ben Artzi is Sarah Netanyahus’ brother.

    And it gets worse, Shmuels’ wife Etti has started a protest camp opposing the existing protest camp already started by the families of the kidnapped, to ‘represent’ the families that are pro-Netanyahu, and shout abuse at the other families that are calling for him to e made accountable.

    I wish I could say they at least get money or something, but they’re probably happy just being considered “close to” the PM.

    Just to give people an idea of how bad the corruption is at every level and how Netanyahu is only looking out for himself (he’s thrown the entire region in to war to try and cling to power, he does 5 of these ‘mini’ corruptions before breakfast)…