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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 16th, 2023


  • Friend this is beautifully written! I was also a healthy weight in high school, but that didn’t stop almost every woman in my life telling me we needed to constantly strive to be thinner. These ideas were presented like a trauma-response; it usually stemmed from the insecurities that had been presented to that person as a “normal” way to coexist in society when they were growing up.

    I don’t blame these women for perpetuating the cycle, but I can change how I respond to these ideas. I reject the idea of telling other people what to think about their own weight. It takes time and effort to adjust to this way of thinking, but I firmly believe we have to strive to be better than the trauma of our past. (This is still a work in progress for me, because some days it feels like I’m swimming against the tide)

    That being said, I was firmly convinced that I was never going to lose the extra weight I had built up over the years. I am glad to say that I’ve found a solution based in psychology, that helped me understand all the food distortions I’d absorbed or self-inflicted over the years. I won’t say the brand name unless someone asks, but it’s been amazing to realise that beliefs instilled in me as a teenager can be changed over time.

    Personally, I need the change to be gradual so I can reinforce my healthy eating habits and set aside my unhealthy eating habits. Once I re-focused on my eating habits it started to change things for me. For the first time in about 10 years, I’ve lost 50lbs since last year, and am consciously making healthier choices in my life.

    Lovely lemmy lurkers, I wish you all the best of luck and empowerment in your journeys to live healthier and happier!

  • That last part is driving me crazy with frustration. If I identify a health hazard in my life, I take reasonable precautions against it, but when the whole system is inundated with that same issue, its hard to feel like you’re aligned with “society”. Like you said, it’s literally in everything we eat, drink and do. I’ll continue to support the plastics industry as little as possible, but it still has a stranglehold on industry. I’ve heard some promising reports from India about new developments in more sustainable packaging, but nothing’s hit the mainstream yet.