Mostly lurking. United States southerner, gay, working retail. An amazing combination

  • 5 Posts
Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: February 23rd, 2024


  • My mother’s policy was that the first time we do something wrong, talk with us, help us learn why it was wrong and how we should have acted. If we do it again even with that knowledge, punish us.

    I feel like that would apply here, too, even if you don’t see leaving them with the consequences as actively punishing them. But as a kid it’s easy to get in over your head before you learn your own limits, and you’re not born with the knowledge of how to bail yourself out. I think they deserve a grace period.

  • Lil bit of a bummer, feels like I just exercise, work, and sleep. My limited free time has been spent on my family, which… ughhhh by the time I realized they mistreated me all my life and I hate them, they’d lost power over me, so basically they’re not pushing me around anymore and think we’re all friends, and I don’t know how to tell them that I’m retroactively spiteful. So I play nice.

    Gonna try so hard to get some reading and drawing done in the coming days.

  • This was my first thought, but then it occurred to me that if I was voting at 16, I’d almost certainly be voting for who my parents told me to. I’m still not against it but I think we’d need specialized education and tons of PSAs aimed at kids about it, because unless you’re already rebellious, “my house my rules” could easily be extended to voting.