Don’t know how you guys feel about comparisons to Star Trek but I thought this was interesting.
Also, Mods … if this kind of post is not allowed, I don’t mind it being taken down.
I’ve only watched about half of all Star Trek content with series and movies and animations. I thought I had years of content to watch in the future … but after hearing about other series from other people over the years, through comments in this community and through lists like this Youtube video … I think I’ll be spending the rest of my life watching scifi, the majority of which will be Star Trek.
Which Galactica? I’m a fan of the original and the 1980 spinoff, but not the remake.
I saw the remake first and really like it. I watched a few of the original, but couldn’t really make it through more than a few episodes. Which did you watch first? Any one thing that elevates them in your opinion?