Don’t know how you guys feel about comparisons to Star Trek but I thought this was interesting.
Also, Mods … if this kind of post is not allowed, I don’t mind it being taken down.
I’ve only watched about half of all Star Trek content with series and movies and animations. I thought I had years of content to watch in the future … but after hearing about other series from other people over the years, through comments in this community and through lists like this Youtube video … I think I’ll be spending the rest of my life watching scifi, the majority of which will be Star Trek.
A great list. I haven’t watched most of these either so you are not alone there.
I would say that if you could never watch another show for the rest of your life after picking just one, it needs to be Firefly. After that, you may die happy. Not kidding to be clear, and not even limiting to sci-fi there: it’s that good. It’s also, unfortunately, short. There is a movie though, which wraps up the dangling plotlines.
Farscape is damn good, and weird. “Goodly weird or weirdly good?” Yes. Both. Neither. Sorta. Just watch the first episode, and you’ll know if it appeals to you or not.
Babylon Five isn’t “good” as the term is normally used. Instead, it is “deeply satisfying”. Like going to the gym, you need to force yourself to watch it much of the time, yet when you do, you will not regret having done so. It is an older style of television, more like a play almost, and gets wonderfully boring at times, but has the deepest plotlines that I’ve ever heard of in video form. Or at least the ones most applicable to irl. You’ll literally enjoy the bad guys especially, bc they aren’t “evil” -> they are us, if given half a second and a full opportunity to have gotten into such a situation.
BSG I don’t know how well it has held up. This video says well so… maybe. I recall that when I watched it, it was “difficult” to do so, probably bc it matched up too closely with what was going on irl at the time. MAJOR trigger warnings for this one, especially torture/abuse - and I don’t mean like “torture is (always) bad”, but rather “torture can be good sometimes, even necessary, now let’s go rape someone today!” level of psychological mind-fuckery. Sadly I wish I was even halfway joking here. You may want to save this one for later, until you have time to really process it. Also, this video should have included some of these warnings - I consider it irresponsible even to have not. That series is DARK - yes, deliciously so, but that’s still worth a trigger warning in my book, so that someone knows in advance what they are getting into.