Photo taken yesterday (2025-02-08) at a supermarket in Kyoto, Japan.
Alt text: A picture of the eggs section in a Japanese supermarket. There’s a 10-pack of eggs going for 215 Japanese Yen, which is about 1.42 US dollars.
Are Japanese folks immune?
The US consumers are getting shafted.
They’re mocking us
We deserve it
I forgot that the us is one of the few countries that washes the eggs and as a result they have to be refridgerated, its weirs for me to just see them out on the floor at room temperature
Why would you wash them?
Because it came out of a chicken’s but. Don’t you wash your turds before you eat them? Jk, there’s no good reason to do so.
Because the conditions that the chickens are raised in promote growth of salmonella to such a degree that they need to chlorinate the outside and scrub & wash away the cuticle. The production model for chickens is so harsh that they can’t keep themselves clean or care for themselves. And the chemical companies profit off the model so there is no incentive to make chickens happier or healthier.
I was convinced Japan also washed their eggs. I’m confused.
Also I’m curious about why Americans are really squeamish about people eating any egg products that haven’t been fully sterilized by cooking, while others generally aren’t scared of it, even if they’re in a country that washes eggs just like the US.
In the US, people don’t even taste their cake batter to check the amount of sugar before cooking it; in Canada, a summer isn’t whole until you’ve made strawberry mousse (ingredients: strawberries, egg whites, sugar; eaten raw). Perplexing. Is it riskier in the US, or is the risk equally low everywhere but Americans are really paranoid?
The USDA’s website says that eggs are “washed and refrigerated in Canada, Japan, and Scandinavia”, but that’s a lie regarding Scandinavia in any case (I’m an egg enthusiast btw)… so I wouldn’t be surprised they’re lying about Japan as well.
The us has killed more than 15 million chickens just the last few weeks. Sometimes with foam. If other countries have to do that their prices will rise too. NHK had a great documentary recently about an egg family that was doing pasture raised eggs at $1 each.
Guess they shouldn’t have kept the chickens in such horrifying conditions.
The crazy thing I used to pay about this amount ~200 yen 11 years ago. I lived in Japan from 2010 - 2014.