i got sick again so the financial update and also this thread are late. i’ll get the financial update up at a later point, or i might just combine it with january since there’s not that much to report as far as i can tell

  • BuxtonWater@beehaw.org
    10 months ago

    I’m still reeling from the date I had yesterday, still can’t believe it went so well. A lotta first times all at once, first date, first kiss, first time touching a woman sexually, first time going out with someone to a pub, etc. And the most unbeliveable thing of all is that she is almost just as into me as I am her it feels which makes me feel like a vibrating fuzzball.

      • BuxtonWater@beehaw.org
        10 months ago

        It has been so far, though I did almost fuck it up by getting too invested too early, thankfully she recognized the signs of that early and after I asked she let me know I was leaning that way a bit in terms of the vibe I was giving off, so I’m trying to put her outta my mind till our next date now. Which kinda sucks to do but I gotta.

  • T (they/she)@beehaw.org
    10 months ago

    Getting a bit tired of Lemmy and Mastodon. People aren’t humble at all and are so toxic and weird. I’m mostly a lurker but it is very sad that these platforms are not very nice to be at. No matter who you follow you’re always exposed to not-very-nice people.

    • sub_o@beehaw.org
      10 months ago

      Sadly I quit mastodon early this year. People are very shout-y.

      Lemmy has its share of jerks, but beehaw is at least is bit better, more community feeling.

    • renard_roux@beehaw.org
      10 months ago

      Haven’t found a good use for Mastodon yet, but then again I don’t really miss Xhitter so it probably isn’t for me, anyway.

      I usually just stick to Subs and Local on Lemmy, and since that means Beehaw, a tiny Danish instance and a board game community, I generally find that people are quite lovely.

      The bad experiences don’t really come out of the woodwork unless I start browsing Everything.

    • autumn (she/they)@beehaw.org
      10 months ago

      are you on one of the big mastodon instances? i have .social and .online silenced because they’re really too big to be moderated properly.

      • T (they/she)@beehaw.org
        10 months ago

        I’m on fosstodon! It might be related to what I’m interested to but I noticed people are pretty judgemental of everything and there’s this weird tendency of talking like they are superior because of how well informed they are? I don’t know how to explain but I was kind of sold to the idea that these platforms would be more positive and maybe my expectations were too high

        • autumn (she/they)@beehaw.org
          10 months ago

          the foss crowd can be very “i know better than you” in my experience (a femme-presenting person in tech). i started a geographically local instance because that was what i missed most about that sort of social media: finding out about stuff that was happening nearby.

          what kinds of things are you looking for on mastodon? there are also lots of hobby-related instances with overlapping foss interests that tend to be more chill from what i’ve seen.

  • Catoblepas@lemmy.blahaj.zone
    10 months ago

    I am dealing with a combination of a shitstorm of overreaction and my own stupidity 🥲

    I sent my niece and nephews a small gift from ebay. I usually message my sister to let her know to expect a package, but this time I just forgot to and got busy with other stuff. So yesterday comes around and I get a call from her saying that getting a hand addressed package to their kids from an address they didn’t recognize freaked them out so much that they called the cops, who called the seller to find out who sent it.

    Obviously they calmed down once they realized it was me, and I felt really bad about it so I messaged the seller on ebay to apologize for the inconvenience… only somehow without knowing how the goddamn interface on ebay works I managed to flag the message as a CANCEL ORDER REQUEST. So then I had to immediately message him again and be like haha oops no sorry not a cancel request! I don’t know how to ebay!

    Just kill me, I’m so embarrassed 😭

    PS: if you are wondering if my sister and her husband are extremely sucked into the far right news sphere where everyone is trying to kidnap their kids with fentanyl… the answer is yes.

    • wildeaboutoskar@beehaw.org
      10 months ago

      Wow that’s definitely an overreaction! If your sister was concerned wouldn’t she just open it first, rather than letting the kids see it/do it? Or message people first to check if anyone sent it?

      No good deed goes unpunished I guess! Glad it mostly worked out ok

  • sub_o@beehaw.org
    10 months ago

    For some personal reasons, I finally have access to 2 of my old guitars, a 6 string ESP Alex Skolnick signature, and a 7 string ESP Viper.

    • The 6 string was full of rust, and I accidentally broke the nut, I managed to replace the rusted screws and the broken nut.
    • The 7 string was okay, but I accidentally got a part of a string stuck inside the machine head. Went and bought 2 sets of Gotoh machine heads, drilled some extra holes, and replaced them.
    • Also, either its humidity or because I never properly adjusted it, the strings were buzzing. So I adjusted the truss rod. The adjustment for 7 string went okay, it plays ok, the action is low enough that I can play it smoothly. But for the 6 string, it seems problematic, I need to adjust the truss rod really tight that it starts to squeak (I’m afraid it might break the neck), so that the 3 thickest string won’t touch the first fret. Let’s see whether the guitar would break into two by the end of the week.

    Anyway, since I’ve been playing 8 string guitar (horribly) for the past year, my hand is now so used to the wide neck that 7 string really feels small and easier to play than before.

  • Elise@beehaw.org
    10 months ago

    Had a date last night. Told my friend that if my date wouldn’t be a flat earther or think that toothpaste is poison or some such that my standards would be met. That is to say that I’ve had plenty such experiences.

    Smoked a joint. Ate the best Indian food I ever had. Went for a walk and…

    Well I ended up renting her apartment in a month from now. So I don’t mean to toot my own horn but I consider that a fruitful date.

    Also what’s the female version of even Steve?

  • silentdanni@beehaw.org
    10 months ago

    I had two parties to attend this weekend, but ended up getting a flu. It’ll be chicken soup and crappy reality TV for me.

    My mental health has also started to decline again since last week. I’m not sure if it’s the deadly winter of the Nordics or just depression slowly creeping back in. In any case, I feel really scared. The world feels overwhelming and it seems, at times, that my efforts to come to grips with the new circumstances surrounding my life are futile.

    I try to convince myself that I did the best I could, that the alternative solution would’ve most likely brought my early demise.

    Still, it feels I did everything wrong. I feel I closed some doors that I did not mean to close. I reached the conclusion that the events that took place this year will most likely haunt me to my deathbed. I hope some day it stops hurting so much, though.

    I look around and see some friends who have gone through similar situations and it all seems so easy to them. “Don’t compare yourself with others”, my therapist says incessantly every week. Sadly, I can’t help feeling weak in this situation. It’s been over 9 months, but still find myself crying every now and then before bed. I still find myself wishing I just wouldn’t wake up the next morning.

    It’s not all bad though. I’m still being very consistent with the gym and I’m now doing pull ups like they were never a problem. I have also learned a few new songs in my acoustic guitar and it finally doesn’t sound like I’m killing a cat whenever I strum it.

    Oh, I’ve also been reading The Dispossessed by Ursula Le Guin and I think that’s the first book that completely transports me to another world since the first Harry Potter. 😄

    Take care everyone and sorry for the wall of text. o/

    • wildeaboutoskar@beehaw.org
      10 months ago

      Sorry to hear you’re going through a tough time. It’s impressive that you’re managing to keep up with things like the gym and guitar though in spite of that.

      Glad to hear you’re able to escape through reading. Heard so many good things about Ursula Le Guin but not got around to reading anything yet.

      • silentdanni@beehaw.org
        10 months ago

        Thank you for your words, I really appreciate it. ❤️

        I managed to convince myself, with the help of my therapist and trainer, that exercising is a habit that is essential for my wellbeing. I’ve lost 15kg and am quite proud of my progress. It’s the first time in a long time that I can look myself in the mirror and feel comfortable in my body. Mind you, I’m not thin by any means and don’t feel like I need to be, but I do feel and look much healthier. :)

        I cannot recommend Ursula’s books enough. Her writing style is so fluid and satisfying. The way she crafts her sentences is stunning. She’s a very good storyteller. Reading her book has been the highlight of my day.

  • Pete Hahnloser@beehaw.org
    10 months ago

    More incremental progress that feels less impactful than it really is. I got my solar going yesterday after lots of false starts (including panels flying off the roof while driving owing to … the wrong washers), and this morning, I got all my belongings out of the warehouse at my old job short of an 8-cube Kallax that will require a ton of organizing in the van to be able to fit.

    Some days, I’m immensely productive, while others, I’m too weighed down by yet another job search to be remotely able to make progress on that front. My entire family (I got an unexpected email from my uncle/godfather yesterday) is utterly unsupportive of my firm belief that I should be able to have a job that doesn’t demean me and pays enough to start getting out of the debt that piled up during my last job search.

    I had to give up housing while employed full time because I can’t survive on $21/hour with a lease. The solution is not another $21/hour paint-by-numbers bullshit job, ffs.

    It seems everyone born before 1970 thinks the job market hasn’t changed since the '90s and thus a grueling job search is a personal failing, not a sign that the economy no longer works for a wide swath of people not in sales. I want to make the product or make the product better or make the workflow better so that your salespeople have something worth selling. But that brings in “no income” and is seemingly no longer needed.

  • autumn (she/they)@beehaw.org
    10 months ago

    had a very busy and productive week.

    • went to a full moon gathering
    • rode in the social bike ride i used to lead
    • finally upgraded the community forum i help run
    • competed some online training needed for the dog rescue i volunteer with
    • hosted a meetup for the bike camping group
    • went to a small holiday house party and did pretty well at playing werewolf
    • cleaned my bike chain
    • winterized the travel trailer
    • got some bookkeeping done for my side ventures/communities
    • sold a bicycle that was too small for me
    • attended a yoga class (and ran into my friend’s girlfriend there, which was rad!)
      • autumn (she/they)@beehaw.org
        10 months ago

        definitely not a stupid question!

        typically there is food and drinks (alcoholic and otherwise). often a fire if the weather cooperates. mostly it’s just a way to gather up like minded friends on a regular basis so we can catch up. sometimes there’s a theme (plant swap, remembering our loved ones who have passed recently, craft night, etc.), but usually it’s very casual.

  • comicallycluttered@beehaw.org
    10 months ago


    As a longtime mental health connoisseur, I must say that hypomania really pairs quite well with OCD. 9 out of 10 psychiatrists agree that it’s quite the experience. The odd one out is just being contrarian for the sake of it.

    Christ, I need a fucking break from my mind.

    That and the country I live in is falling apart, although none of this is really new. The brain fucking with me and the country falling apart. Both have been going on for decades.

    It’s all a giant farce, honestly, where the only real option at this point is to laugh at the absurdity of it all.

      • comicallycluttered@beehaw.org
        10 months ago

        Lol, I appreciate that!

        Even in my less comfortable moments, I try to keep things just a tiny bit entertaining. Even if only for my own wellbeing (otherwise I’d probably lose what’s left of my mind, honestly).

    • Amamsa@beehaw.org
      10 months ago

      Years ago, i got off anti depression meds within two months (only later heard that it’s better to taper down over a year). One of the symptoms i got was hypomania; it was awesome! For a week i had energy like never before and after a day of cleaning i caught myself looking around and trying to find something left to clean.

      Kicking those meds was a nightmare, but honestly, that week of hypomania was the greatest i ever felt. Mentally i was fine, nothing weird, but just this boundless energy. While usually, since i have a genetic bodily disorder, i often feel tired and if i do too much, i can’t do much for a week after.

      • comicallycluttered@beehaw.org
        10 months ago

        I have some significant fatigue issues as well, though I’m still trying to find the cause (after six years of blood tests and doctors’ appointments, still nothing, though I’ll probably be seeing other specialists at some point to make sure).

        It’a both “good” because I’m apparently healthy, but also very frustrating because I have no concrete answers as to why I can’t leave my house more than once a week without crashing right into the ground. It’s actually closer to somewhere around twice a month.

        Not like I had too much energy before, but the last six years have been… exhausting. Having to plan out just how and when I can do something like watch a movie (at home because theaters are waaaaay too much) without crashing is tiresome on its own.

        As for the hypomania, you got the “fun” one! Lol, not that it’s good, but different people have different experiences. Some don’t often get a euphoric high, but rather just excessive mind-racing, which can exacerbate some issues (particularly anxiety disorders and sensory overload). That’s generally what happens with me.

        Really depends on the person. Some get the euphoria, some get just pure irritation/anxiety due to excessive mental energy. Some even get both.

        Lol, if I’m being honest, trying to make sense of it is usually pointless. Just have to deal with it if/when it rears its strange little head.

        • Amamsa@beehaw.org
          10 months ago

          I hope they’ll figure out what it is. Often, like yours, it can be a very long journey, like with a virus for instance.

          What i learned is to divide chores into small pieces. And when i have a busy day, i try to plan a number of days of being able to take it easy, physically.

          And if people don’t get it, the spoon theory can be helpful to explain to others.

          Yes, i was not trying to say that hypomania is fun for everyone, but thankfully for me, it was a pleasant surprise, though it took a bit of digging to find out what was happening and where it came from.

          • comicallycluttered@beehaw.org
            10 months ago

            Oh, yeah. I’ve generally figured out how to pace myself. Occasionally might forget a bit and overextend, but it’s mostly “okay”.

            Actually came across spoon theory years ago, before all this, and found it useful to explain other things (mainly sensory overload).

            Oh, and don’t worry! I didn’t think you were saying that at all. Lol, like I said, you got the “fun” one.

            I just sometimes like to get that euphoria thing out of the way because it’s something that even people with bipolar might not realize.

            For a long time I was very “iffy” about my diagnosis because “how can I be hypomanic if I’m not feeling happy” was an all too common question that made me doubt things until my therapist really shone a light on the whole sitch.

            Anyway, I appreciate the good words and advice! I hope you’ve found medication now that works for you, and while I know it’s not within your control, I hope you manage to enjoy the bits of energy your body is capable of mustering up.

            • Amamsa@beehaw.org
              10 months ago

              For a long time I was very “iffy” about my diagnosis because “how can I be hypomanic if I’m not feeling happy” was an all too common question

              Maybe, as a crooked comparison, it’s a bit like drinking way too much coffee; you feel energetic, but maybe also jittery, and happiness doesn’t really have anything to do with it.

              As for antidepressants; after decades of two kinds of severe depressions, i learned to meditate and haven’t been depressed in over a decade. It changed the way i view the world in a fundamental way and i learned to not focus on the depressed feelings (focusing on them would make it more intense). So, i don’t use any medication for it anymore.

              Thanks for your kind words and have a great day

  • Bubble Water@beehaw.org
    10 months ago

    been raining super hard here and when I entered my home yesterday after work I got hit with a strong mildew smell. I must have a leak somewhere and this feels expensive to fix.

  • Farksnatcher@beehaw.org
    10 months ago

    My wife and I got a covid booster Sunday, the next day my arm was sore at the injection site and I felt tired in the morning and felt more and puny as the day went on. I passed out hard last night and slept for almost 10 hours and feel much

  • MangoKangaroo@beehaw.org
    10 months ago

    The weekend was pretty rough for me. I’m currently going through a medication taper, and that combined with some other life stuff had me super depressed for a few days. I was actually gonna go see my dad for the first time in a decade, but I decided to cancel because I was down and couldn’t be bothered to drive for four hours and sleep somewhere that wasn’t my home. (Also the weather along the coast is crap right now.)

    Other than that, I’ve kept myself distracted with some planning for a new home lab. I’m starting to give a fuck about fashion, so I’ve got some new stuff coming in that I’m excited to try. I’ve also got a razor coming so I can do my first real head shave that isn’t just the 1/8" that my clippers can manage.

    • silentdanni@beehaw.org
      10 months ago

      Ah man, dealing with depression can be really hard. I hope things are getting better for you and you’re happily trying out your new clothes.

      What are your plans for your new homelab, if I may ask?

      Hang in there, sir.

      • MangoKangaroo@beehaw.org
        10 months ago

        Thank you for your kind words. Every day gets brighter.

        For homelab, I’m not 100% sure yet. I’m at least going to be getting a Synology NAS to replace my ancient Lenovo EMC2. I really wanted to get some hardware for running LLama 2 and KobaldCPP, but I’m struggling to find something that’s equal parts not noisy (I live in a studio), affordable(ish), and that has the minimum specs I’d need. I was unironically considering a Mac Mini with a rack converter because of the energy efficiency and powerful iGPU, but sadly they only ship up to 32GB of RAM. Since my reading suggests I’d want at least 64GB of RAM for LLama 2’s 70B version, I’m having to try some other way of doing things. I just wish I didn’t live in a studio so I could grab a secondhand rackmount server without worrying about noise levels. 😭

        • silentdanni@beehaw.org
          10 months ago

          I have the same problem; my flat is only about 50sqm. Judging by the way things are going, I think there’s a chance Nvidia will release some consumer-grade hardware meant for LLMs in the near-ish future. Until they reveal their next lineup, although it may seem like a poor financial decision, I’m just sticking to using the cloud for running llms.

          I’m also hoping to get my hands on some raspberry pis too. I would like to build a toy k3s cluster at some point and maybe run my own mastodon instance. :)

          • MangoKangaroo@beehaw.org
            10 months ago

            Well at least I’m not the only one whose homelab ambitions are being crushed by their apartment layout. I think that I’m going to end up with a 2U compute rack, which means I’ll probably limp along on one or two consumer low-profile GPUs. Now if only I could work out the details of the actual rack server hardware…

            A Raspberry Pi cluster is interesting! My only real exposure to using Pis in a homelab was an old 1B I was using for PiHole. It was great right up until it stopped working.

  • wildeaboutoskar@beehaw.org
    10 months ago

    Hope you feel better soon @alyaza!

    Been off here for a bit as things got busy with work and choirs, but now things are starting to relax a bit ahead of Christmas which is good.

    My niece was born at the end of November, was nice to meet her even if I’m not a baby fan (they’re so warm though! Had no idea). Looking forward to her being out of nappies/able to talk so I can bond with her a bit.

    Had the first Christmas concert of the season last week which went well, always in awe of the orchestra we play with, they’re so talented that I forget I’m supposed to be singing. Have two carol concerts week after next which will be fun.

    Seeing some comedy this weekend and next week which I’m looking forward to.

    • rozwud@beehaw.org
      10 months ago

      Haha, I understand that feeling but it was with the youth choir that joined us on some of our pieces. I had permission to miss the final rehearsal since I had plans to be out of town before it was scheduled, so I hadn’t heard them sing with us until our first performance. Had a couple of “ah shit I missed my entrance” moments because I was so impressed.