Google Calendar users are upset after noticing that events like Pride Month, Black History Month, Indigenous People Month, Jewish Heritage, Holocaust Remembrance Day, and Hispanic Heritage were removed from default settings.
Google confirmed the change, stating that maintaining a manually curated list of cultural observances worldwide was “not scalable or sustainable.”
Instead, Google has reverted to only displaying public holidays and national observances from, with users now responsible for adding other events manually.
Unpopular opinion maybe, but I’m ok with this. It’s less clutter if all you want is to see public holidays, and it’s easy enough to install calendars that show other events.
Same here. I’ve never been fond of the proliferation of these “think about <minority> for a moment!” holidays. They’re the main thing that comes to mind when I think of what’s “performative.”
Be that as it may, the real motivation for this change likely has nothing to with “less clutter” and more with pandering to the MAGA crowd.