I’ve had turkey just about every possible way it can be cooked, and it just isn’t that good.

Doesn’t matter how juicy or dry and it doesn’t matter what herbs or spices are used, it just not that tasty.

Give me a brisket or a standing rib roast or just about anything that isn’t turkey for thanksgiving.

  • Earthwormjim91@lemmy.world
    11 months ago

    All of that is an excellent point. I’m only speaking to the quality though.

    It’s probably a good thing that everyone can get a turkey for thanksgiving for $15, and you can make them taste very good. If they really just sucked then people wouldn’t still be buying 100 million turkeys a year lol. The cheap ones are perfectly fine for the vast majority of people.

    I’m more speaking to OPs point of rather having a brisket or standing rib roast over turkey for thanksgiving. Both of those are extremely expensive compared to a turkey. Cheapest standing rib roast I saw even at Costco was $130 and a brisket will run you upwards of $50 at Costco and well over $100 at most regular grocery stores most of the time too. For those prices you absolutely within range of buying from a high quality producer and the difference will be night and day from a mass produced butterball.

    Definitely not everyone can afford that, nor could production ever keep up that high quality to meet mass demand either. But for someone already willing to spend $100+ for their main thanksgiving meat, trying a very high quality turkey might be worth it.