• Firefox offers better privacy and security than Chrome, with upcoming support for 200 new add-ons. • While Chrome dominates, Firefox gains ground with user-friendly browsing experience and open-source model. • Mozilla’s focus on user privacy and transparency challenges Google’s ad-centric approach, making Firefox a viable alternative.

  • whofearsthenight@lemm.ee
    11 months ago

    Lots of people are covering the actual answer, but this is one of the reasons I default to duck duck go on everything - the bang operator. For example:

    cat videos !yt or !yt cat videos (or probably even cat !yt videos) will search YouTube for cat videos.

    I have a bunch of these that I use all of the time:

    • !a, Amazon
    • !g and !gi, google and google images
    • !imdb, uh, imdb
    • !nf, Netflix
    • retired now but !r searches reddit
    • !so, stack overflow
    • !w, wikipedia.

    I guess they’re up to nearly 14k of these now so chances are the thing you want to search is in the list. Aside from that, Google’s search results are increasingly garbage these days and filled with ads, so while I used to get a lot of use out of !g and !gi, I really don’t any longer.