I remember China more or less supporting Russia here and there, during the beginning of the Ukraine War. If this is wrong please correct me (this goes for everything) . So now Trump and Putin are basically allies. However as far as I know, Trump is still anti-China.

So, now what? Where in all this new found alliance leaves the US (and Russia) relationship with China? What is likely to happen, generally speaking? Will Russia cut ties with China? Will Trump get close with China now? I feel like Jinping and Trump are kind of squabbling over Putin’s affection right now, and I don’t know if that analogy is valid.

  • nicgentile@lemmy.world
    7 days ago

    Devil’s advocate opinion.

    After spending a fair bit of time in China, I’ve come to understand one thing. A weaker America is good for China, but, China does not want to lead the world. Sloppy seconds works better from China.

    Many years ago, Richard Branson, wrote that in his fight with British Airways, he actually preferred being second. This because nobody is gunning for you. Everyone always guns for gold, but a silver is not a bad thing either but nobody is in the race thinking, golly, I’m going for silver this time.

    So, China has no real interest in the liabilities that come with leading the world. It’s a headache that does not benefit them. Own the infrastructure, mine the planet, sell plastic crap, that is fine, but rule the world, problems. Everyone turns to you for solutions or is trying to bring you down. Better to just chill.