I’d like to thank everyone for my most upvoted post on lemmy ever. Not only have you upvoted it to the top for like 2 days you commented the shit out of it. I’d like to take this opportunity to say fuck the mods of this instance. This was my second post coming off a 30 day ban and I want to say these fucking mods have been nothing but bitches. I’ve never been more attacked on any other instance, subreddit, forum, etc. then I have been in this fucking instance. Not only have I been attacked I’ve been told my memes arent memey enough again and again.

I’ll be honest, I do not know how to make a meme but I keep posting just to piss in these mods cheerios.

Thanks lemmy.world/politicalmemes for being the worst community I’ve ever been a part of.

Edit2: What a joke

  • Malek061@lemmy.world
    7 days ago

    China has raised the most people out of poverty? You sure aboIt that? How has that chinese navy been keeping global trade going? That’s right, it hasn’t because China has no blue water ships. They are totally dependent on America keeping global shipping lanes clear. If tiawan wanted, they could blockade China and bankrupt that fragile economy in 6 months. China was lucky to raise those people out of poverty since mao put them there. How did those 4 pests work out?

    China will never be a global power because they can’t innovate. They can only steal. Because of their top down culture, the military is dog shit and no threat to anyone. So yes, the entire chinese economy is fake and built on poor contrsution that cut corners.