Years ago I worked at an electronics store and have seen some very interesting products over the years with some being very useful.

Not sure how to do a poll on here but wanted to see how people matched on the ownership of some of these useful devices .

Have you ever owned a My (answers)

-PDA? Yes, I had a Palm IIIe

-DVD-Recorder? Yes. Successor to VCR sure didn’t last long… 😖

-WebTV? No. Interactive TV in the days of dial-up. 🙂

-3D Television? No

-Raspberry PI? No but I want to.

-Internet Radio Player? No This would be fun especially if it also had am/FM tuner

    1 year ago

    Let’s see

    PDA: I mostly dodged this one. I did have a blackberry phone before I got my first Android.

    DVD Recorder: Nope. I had a reader and a burner in my PC and I occasionally copied like that. My buddy had a 6 drive dvd duplicator though and that thing was amazing. Source disc I. The top, 5 blanks in their burners.

    WebTV: No also. My mom almost bought a Philips 3DO but bailed at the last second crushing my hopes and dreams.

    3D TV: I had a set of active shutter glasses from MSI that worked with a pair of 32mb Voodoo2 video cards in SLI. Each card rendered the image for an eye. I remember playing TONS of Quake 2.

    RaspPi: Yes and it’s still in use running my 3d printer.

    Internet Radio: I streamed a ton of internet radio on iTunes. Worked as a graphic designer for a newspaper and that was the only way to not hear my bosses breath whistle through her teeth.

    Any TiVo veterans?