Moscow is warning that relations with Canada are “on the verge of being severed” after the federal Liberal government moved to forfeit a massive Russian cargo plane.

    1 year ago

    Canada has a huge Ukrainian population, we’re staunch allies with the US (who is firmly on Ukraine’s side now that the Manchurian Candidate is out of office), and Russia is obviously the aggressor in this war. Of course we’re going to side with Ukraine.

    Russia’s only hope was to convince the world that apathy was easier than getting involved. But they did a shit job of it

      1 year ago

      That’s not really what a threat to sever relations means. It would be talking about not having any formal diplomatic relations. All of the embassies and consulates each has in the other country would be closed. Diplomatic representatives would be required to exit the respective countries. The Russian foreign ministry would not communicate directly with the Canadian foreign ministry; they’d find some sort of proxy country to act for them.

      The US doesn’t have diplomatic relations with a few countries like North Korea. We entrust, as I recall, Sweden to speak for us in North Korea.



      The United States and the DPRK do not have diplomatic relations. The Swedish Embassy in the DPRK is the U.S. protecting power and provides limited consular services to U.S. citizens. The DPRK has no embassy in Washington, DC, but it is represented in the United States through its mission to the United Nations in New York.

      That being said, Russia issues threats like crazy and doesn’t follow through on a lot of them, so I don’t know how seriously one should take this.

    1 year ago

    Meanwhile, Ottawa has yet to follow through on a promise six months ago to try seizing funds it says are held by Russian oligarch Roman Abramovich. No application had been filed in any provincial court as of last month.

    Mkay, well… Canada better get a move on and pack up their bags to ditch Russia. I’m sure Putin will seize all Canadian assets in their regime whenever they please, just like with other companies.