When I was around 8, a neighborhood kid was swinging around a light pole, just a plain metal pole but it had the wirenut box attached to the side about a foot from the ground, which he was standing on while spinning.
His foot slipped, the corner of this box ripped his ankle open, cut right up from the top of the shoe about 6 inches into his lower calf/ankle.
He screamed and ran home, blood pouring everywhere. Saw him a few days later with massive stitches and bruising all over his leg. Wasn’t as bad as it looked, but fuck me it still makes me wince thinking of my ankle being sliced by a dull metal corner by weight and gravity alone.
Lots of dogs become very still when feeling threatened, there’s even a saying “barking dog seldom bites”, and while that is just a saying and a bark can be a threat becoming very still is also a sign on dogs in general. I’ve never personally had pitbulls, but have seen dobermans and German shepherds do it, when that happens the owner or the person needs to reassure the dog that nothing is wrong, but most people just see the dog quiet as okay with the situation instead of the truth that it is frozen with fear much like a human would.
But people who actually see people who have been bitten by pit bulls agree they should be banned: https://www.cincinnati.com/story/opinion/contributors/2014/06/29/doctor-says-ban-pit-bulls/11709481/
Yes, but people with trauma tend to look at things emotionally and not rationally. People who were attacked by dogs wanting to ban dogs is as valid as people who were mugged by a black person wanting to bring back race segregation. But the truth is that several studies have shown no correlation between breed and aggressiveness. Not to mention that people misidentify Pitbulls. Also breed specific legislation is not the answer.
This girl lost her upper lip due to her pit. https://www.reddit.com/r/BanPitBulls/comments/15kqwmd/lip_removal/
The plural of anecdote is not data. Read my other reply which contains actual data and several scientific papers on the matter. Plus in the beginning of that video, even if for just a second, you can clearly see the dog is very uncomfortable and panicking.