Sorry if this flies against the rules, this community doesn’t seem to strictly prohibit requests.

I don’t have the technical wherewithal or time to pull this off, but remember that Twitter account that tracked Elon’s private jet and poststed it for everyone? And then got banned? Awkward, right? Is that a thing now anywhere in the Fediverse already?

If not, why not set up a community (/c/BillionairesBehabingBadly?) to bot-plot and document the comings and goings of tail numbers and registrations tags of our favorite (wannabe-) oligarchs’ private planes, private yachts, and semi-public appearances?

Celebrére is its own reward, no? So why not celebrate our new “ruling” class and journal their derribg feats?

    1 year ago

    I don’t have the technical wherewithal or time to pull this off

    It’s surprisingly easy to start a community, and once you do, you can request someone else to mod it