Yeah, but I’m sure it’ll improve in time. I can’t really see what’s the point of AI porn though, unless it’s to make images of someone who doesn’t consent, which is shit. For everything else, regular porn has it covered and looks better too.
Somehow you’re both partially wrong. There are people who have been badly abused by the porn industry. There’s always a need to make sure people are safe. But there’s nothing wrong if someone wants to willingly perform in pornography.
I would argue in terms of being worn out (joints and stuff), construction is definitely harder on the body. How many regret that they can barely walk in their 50s 60s?
Why are you assuming that it is? Maybe it’s because I’m not a religious person, but I don’t see anything morally wrong with sex work. Whether someone is doing it against their will is a separate issue, but that’s not an assumption I’d make without other evidence.
If you really are coming at this issue from a religious point of view, then there’s no point getting into a discussion here since I’m not going to change your mind on that (nor do I care to; believe what you want). Otherwise, I’m curious what your actual arguments might be.
ai porn is dull. ill take poorly drawn heinous fetish art over your ai generated slop.
Yeah, but I’m sure it’ll improve in time. I can’t really see what’s the point of AI porn though, unless it’s to make images of someone who doesn’t consent, which is shit. For everything else, regular porn has it covered and looks better too.
Porn industry destroys women’s lives so if AI becomes indistinguishable then women don’t need to sell their bodies in that way anymore
citation needed
You want me to find a citation explaining why women selling their bodies is bad?
Somehow you’re both partially wrong. There are people who have been badly abused by the porn industry. There’s always a need to make sure people are safe. But there’s nothing wrong if someone wants to willingly perform in pornography.
I would argue in terms of being worn out (joints and stuff), construction is definitely harder on the body. How many regret that they can barely walk in their 50s 60s?
There aren’t very many pornstars who don’t regret it. But you can find countless examples of regret.
I mean they still have their body after shooting porn so they’re not really selling their body more than let’s say a construction worker
All work is selling your body for money, sex work is just using it for sexual pleasure instead of selling burgers or making equipment.
Except those jobs don’t ruin your dignity and reputation etc
Why are you assuming that it is? Maybe it’s because I’m not a religious person, but I don’t see anything morally wrong with sex work. Whether someone is doing it against their will is a separate issue, but that’s not an assumption I’d make without other evidence.
If you really are coming at this issue from a religious point of view, then there’s no point getting into a discussion here since I’m not going to change your mind on that (nor do I care to; believe what you want). Otherwise, I’m curious what your actual arguments might be.