Allows you to bulk download all your Kindle eBook in a more automated fashion. This tool allows you to create backup copies of the books you've already purchased. - treetrum/amazon-kindle-bulk-...
You know Amazon. You know goddamn well, that Amazon has already made people rebuy books when you move from a state to another. What kind of fucking lobotomy did you get to still buy books from amazon? And how are you suprised that Amazon is doing this, already after inventing their own drm, e-book format, and making it as hard as possible to use their books on non kindles?
Asking for a friend here:
You know Amazon. You know goddamn well, that Amazon has already made people rebuy books when you move from a state to another. What kind of fucking lobotomy did you get to still buy books from amazon? And how are you suprised that Amazon is doing this, already after inventing their own drm, e-book format, and making it as hard as possible to use their books on non kindles?
And who said anything about being surprised? Got my offline copies of all of them already, but can get another one.
Stopped buying books from Amazon years ago. Still had 120 there from previous purchases. Definitely couldn’t just re-buy the books elsewhere.
This tool got the last of my library moved from Amazon so I DON’T have to buy from them again.