Would make canadian life worse
Still, as a Canadian, no thanks. We don’t want the baggage.
Yeah I’ll die fighting before I become an American
As an American, we don’t want the baggage.
Would hate to get healthcare huh?
Talking american baggage
Oh right. Sorry for misunderstanding.
As an American, our baggage is VASTLY greater than Canada baggage.
Then go unpack.
Adding the US to Canada would drastically increase the number of awesome countries.
I know you mean well, but I think a lot of awesome people would die to leave Americans tied to trees with their penises in their mouths.
I would.
Pretty graphic. You should try to be a little more distinguishing, though. Plenty of Americans are just normal people and I bet if I took a look under the hood of your government I’d find some not so savory stuff.
It’s also fine if you want to tie me to a tree and cut off my penis and put it in my mouth. I’ve never been sacrosanct but there are people here I love and would happily die for.
It’s really not that the Canadian government is necessarily any good or even better than the one in the USA. But in case of an invasion there would be a war going on and violent deaths would be expected. Although the part with penises in mouths would most likely constitute a warcrime.
Not the first time.
If anyone thinks Americans won’t be fighting on the side of Canada they will be pleasantly surprised. The whole north east is on your side and you don’t even know it.
It might also give us the opportunity to take back the House and Senate. But I have Canadian friends and they would give up too much good stuff for being part of the US. I hope with Zelenskyy standing up to Trump that our other allies will follow his lead and expose more truths.
Not only that, if each province was now a state, dems would have a solid majority.
They’d still be up in Canada though so I don’t see how that aspect would affect me. They’d never let Canadians have full voting rights, of course, since that would mean Republicans would have to cheat way harder to win.
Also, it’s hard to believe how this inane idea popped up out of nowhere last month and so many people act like it’s a serious thing. Trump threatening Canada is serious, I guess. But the idea is so out of left field and basically incredibly dumb. That hasn’t stopped thousands of people and the media acting like it’s totally normal. There’s absolutely no indication the vast majority of Canadians would want this at all. Ah well, trump was never one to care about consent.
My understanding of NATO’s articles is that article 4 guarantees protection against threats to a member nation’s sovereignty, and article 5 guarantees military protection in the event of invasion. So it’s a direct violation of article 4 from one founding member to another which is… Bad for the whole alliance lol.
I agree it’s an insane thing for him to be talking about out of nowhere, but an overtly imperial USA (as opposed to its traditional denial of being an empire) against a close ally is something worth talking about.
The invasion aspect is with taking seriously. Also, Trump/Putin want the US to withdraw from NATO, but that’s an aside. My point is that the media, pundits, social media personalities are talking as if it’s a reasonable concept, military invasion aside. It’s about like some guy walks up to a married woman and says “hey we’re going to have sex tonight!” and she’s like “wtf? absolutely not, no, get the hell away from me” and then a bunch of people start discussing what kind of sex they’re going to have and if it will be good or not.
Ah fair I see where you were going. Thanks for clarifying
Makes me picture America lying comatose in a hospital bed with Canada hooked up to its arm like an IV bag.
No, it would be a bloody fucking mess.