• dustojnikhummer@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    I’m not American. Capitalism has been raping my country for 100 years and is now raping yours as a bonus. You sure act like an American. Better dead than Red

    I.e. you can own a vehicle. You took out the thing which made it a tank. Superb insight.

    Technically yes.

    I’ll agree with you as soon as a father has to expell a baby through his penis after carrying it about for 9 months

    Okay, but no child support payments if mother refuses to abort and father demands. Is that fair?

    What gives you right to yours? It’s an arbitrary piece of land, certainly stolen from previous inhabitants.

    Yes, previous inhabitants of… 2500 years ago. What gives me the right? I was born here. I pay taxes. I follow the laws. And so did my ancestors.

    Every gun’s only purpose is to kill. What’s the difference?

    Passive vs active. Me putting a piece of uranium under your bed vs shooting you in the face when you try to rob my house are two different things. Both end up in death, sure, but don’t rob people if you value your life more than their stuff. And I do value my property more than your life.

    Right-wingers, however, are unified in fucking people over for a slightly more favorable bottom line.

    Again, better dead than red.

    Hope you had nice 5th of July!