3 already lowkey happened with BLM and then blaming immigration in order to beef up the police and “law and order”. But I have a feeling it’s going to happen again in a second stronger wave.
This is why active physical protests are being discouraged. It’s playing into their hand and won’t accomplish what we want.
We have to play smarter because even if we are perfectly good and peaceful and somehow right wing jackoffs aren’t sneaking in to stir the pot? The media will frame it as a barely contained pot about to boil over.
The media will frame it as a barely contained pot about to boil over.
The media has already been framing US cities like this for quite some time. Do not let that stop you. If they do not have enough civil unrest to justify oppression, they will manufacture it. If they can’t manufacture it, they will fabricate evidence of it. Do not discourage protests for the sake of appearing civil and moderate.
3 already lowkey happened with BLM and then blaming immigration in order to beef up the police and “law and order”. But I have a feeling it’s going to happen again in a second stronger wave.
This is why active physical protests are being discouraged. It’s playing into their hand and won’t accomplish what we want.
We have to play smarter because even if we are perfectly good and peaceful and somehow right wing jackoffs aren’t sneaking in to stir the pot? The media will frame it as a barely contained pot about to boil over.
The media has already been framing US cities like this for quite some time. Do not let that stop you. If they do not have enough civil unrest to justify oppression, they will manufacture it. If they can’t manufacture it, they will fabricate evidence of it. Do not discourage protests for the sake of appearing civil and moderate.