Regardless of whether you’re medicated/unmedicated, or altered/not altered or any combination of those?

For me, its my hat I like to wear to keep my hair out of my way and contained somewhat lol

Also my pajama shirt(s), no idea why but its been better recently since I moved the “clothes chair” from being the laundry basket in the bathroom (just hanging there) to a dedicated shelf in the closet 😅

    14 days ago

    I solved this problem by buying a 1 month 4x/day pill case thing (so it has 32 4-compartment strips or 128 individual compartments). I only take pills once a day, so I portion out everything I have stock for, and renew the prescription order. When the next pill bottles arrive, I refill again. The VA doesn’t send the next batch until a certain time increment has passed, no matter when you refill (70 days for a 90 day supply, for example), so most of my pills have been used by the time I get more, but I have about a week to actually refill the cases.

    The only thing that ever gets moved is the 4-day-worth strip, and when it’s empty I just swap it with the next one in the row. The pills that don’t get portioned out go into the drawer right under where the pill cases are. Impossible to lose track of.

    I tried a one week pill case… no good for me. I never refill it in time. But when I have multiple weeks between the task, it’s much easier to keep on top of. Especially with the additional signal of new pill bottles.

    For variable dose, temporary meds, or if I want to schedule morning adhd meds, I can use the end of the month days (my system only fills about half the strips), portion out whatever I think I’ll want/need, and put those in my bag to go with me wherever I might need them. Could just as easily have those in the kitchen or bathroom as a reminder, that just wouldn’t work for me, since it’s not my normal routine to take morning doses (I was on super high dose adhd meds as a small child -like they won’t even give me that dose now as an adult- and it kinda fucked me up, so from 13-34 I was unmedicated, and now I have them for when I really want to get something done, but I rarely use them cuz man do they make me anxious)

    This method does not keep proper track of which days they have been taken, so if that’s important info, you may want to invest in a different style of month-supply case or label the compartments differently, but it does a great job for me.