I’ve been starting to open my mind to changing my ideas about masking. A lot of them come from my sister who struggled very heavily with wanting to appear like everyone else and not stand out, so I’m biased based on experience.

At the same time, I recognize that forcing or pressuring people into masking when they don’t understand why would be traumatic to them and ultimately do the opposite of what is intended.

I feel like unmasking should be done in private or around people who will understand it. Unmasking could in theory be done all the time, but not everyone would understand it.

What’s your position on it? Do you mask in public but not in private or around only people who understand it?

I want to work on being more accepting and I have feelings in both directions.

  • Em Adespoton@lemmy.ca
    2 months ago

    I mask if there’s a risk I might be spreading an infectious virus to at-risk/immunocompromised people. I mask if a viral wave is projected, to help flatten the curve. And I mask (different masks) when woodworking, in heavy pollen, and when working with toxic gases.

    Strapping a mask around your neck and pulling it up over your mouth from time to time is not masking. Better to not wear one at all, as it’s doing more harm than good when worn improperly.

    • just_ducky_in_NH@lemmy.world
      2 months ago

      For autistic people, “masking” means consciously changing their behavior to blend in with neurotypical people. As an autistic, I can assure you that masking is exhausting.

      • Em Adespoton@lemmy.ca
        2 months ago

        Whoops… THAT masking. Yeah; I find there are times to do it and times not to. Usually for me, no masking in private, and in public I key it off of where I am, so I don’t need to depend on someone else to give me that “it was time to mask” tap on the arm. Anywhere unfamiliar, I mask. Just works better that way. If it’s too noisy, I withdraw, and I don’t generally try to mask that unless I went into the situation knowing I’d be expected to “act sociable”. Then I usually talk directly to a few people and then retreat.