This/I do not feel fine, but at least there’s troll coping to fill the void.
Edit: after venting to a friend about this during an anxiety attack, she gave me contact information to an office that was able to schedule me for next month. I feel very fortunate and relieved. I’m also extremely appreciative of not just her, but all of you! This is a wonderfully supportive community, you’re all amazing people
My daughter got an assessment for free after only a 2 month wait by participating in an academic study. They paid us $150 and our eval was MUCH more comprehensive than what we would have gotten from our insurance provider.
So my advice is to look into local universities and see if there are any ongoing studies related to ADHD.
While venting about it to a friend, they gave me the info for where th y go for treatment. I gave them a call, asked and ADHD evaluations are the only evaluations they do. I lucked out hard and was able to get an appointment in mid March, now I just got to make sure I get there on time lol
Yep totally did this route myself. Of course the medication trial sent my BP through the roof and got cut pretty early but I had my diagnosis.
Sounds like me on buspirone. Went great until my heart started racing for zero reason. I’m very jealous of my friend who’s able to take it without issue
Same! That one did not end well for me at all. I got hallucinations and random blackouts too. Told the crazy lady that was a no go. These days I am on low dose mirtazapine to help me sleep. Low dose propranolol for anxiety, which also kind of evens out the BP spike from the Adderall. Throw in some lamotrigine to make the bipolar disorder bearable…
It could be worse. Like the time they gave me celexa at university, which pushed me into a constant state of mania, for months. Nobody explained what mania was and nobody bothered to check in with me. Just prescribe meds, see you never. I didn’t learn until many years later that things like celexa and bipolar do not mix.
Oh celexa… I don’t miss you
I hope your current care plan is working out better! That sounds like it was fucking terrible.
That was the basic Aetna scam university health insurance if you didn’t have any. It was “required” to have something. The health center was great for the most part, but it was basically one psychiatrist for the entire school. He prescribed meds, that was it. If you wanted to see him for more than 5 minutes, you had to go to his private practice. If you wanted to talk to someone, you had to go to the counseling center next door. That visit really didn’t go well. I wanted to see the male counselor, but he was overbooked. Strangely enough, he ended up being my best friend’s father in law.
The next year, they doubled the price of the “insurance” and I couldn’t afford it. Thankfully, it wasn’t enforced. Health wise, they were more worried about vaccinations and international students. Today, I have corpo insurance provided by the American machine.