Common Sense Skeptic’s videos sure are fun to watch again.
The funny thing is the first tweet was right, just wrong in his intention. I don’t see this ending without a civil war.
It’s what they want. They are gambling on it.
As long as they don’t step into canada, all that will be waiting is a bullet and a disgraceful burial.
The best thing about this is that Tesla is massively overvalued. Like, the stock price is more than 20x what it should be based on Tesla’s earnings.
If Tesla had a reasonable value, then hedge fund managers and other rich people would probably be buying it while it was temporarily down and getting rich as it went back up. But, with it so insanely overvalued, it’s much more likely they’ll short it or buy put options and hope to get rich when it finally crashes.
Relatively speaking, Tesla is far less overvalued than in the past.
At one point their market cap exceeded every other automaker in the world COMBINED.
That might make sense if they were making unprecedented loads of money but of course they got trounced in sales compared to Toyota then and now.
Yes, it was at something like 30x overvalued, now it’s only 20x overvalued.
Glad you mentioned Toyota. Their P/E ratio is approximately 7. Tesla is approximately 100. If Tesla were a well run car company with a lot of good vehicles and an anonymous CEO who nobody hates, the fair value of their stock would be about $14 per share. It’s currently $236 per share.
Someone is going to make mountains of money shorting Tesla stock, but unfortunately it’s going to be someone rich. The market can remain irrational much longer than normal people can remain solvent. Some rich dude is going to take the risk though and make out like a bandit.
NOOOOO don’t look at P/E ratios (the auto sector has always had extraordinarily low P/E ratios) you have to look at relative PEG ratios!
At least that was the copium years ago. Now that their sales growth has petered out globally (even before all of the President Musk backlash) and China has free-money’d their way to a technological advantage for EVs I don’t even understand it anymore. The other automakers are either caught up or rapidly approaching and the thing I’ve been saying for years (PHEVs are superior to BEVs for most people) is being proven true.
Before I called it hysteria and FOMO and blind optimism but now I just don’t get it.
I like it when Nazi man-children cry.
Just cry?
How the hell do Elon and other oligarchs feel so safe to call for a literal civil war? He thinks the other side cares more about fighting Joe Bob more than the billionaires? Such strange delusional behavior
What did he think was going to happen?
Like everyone down there, they feel it will happen to everyone else, not them.
I love that we have found a way to hurt him, keep it up.
Burning lithium batteries are explosive, toxic and released heavy metals.
There’s a limited supply of the materials for EVs and e-bikes but a huge value in replacing gas cars with these vehicles.
Burning these huge batteries harms people breathing the air in the area.
hey what if we used trains with overhead wire instead? they’re better in basically every way, especially someplace relatively flat like vegas.
Yeah I absolutely love the video made by some guy, I forget his name, but it basically lambasted the “Tesla tunnel” in Vegas because for the same amount of money or even less they could have built an actual Subway train.
over a longer distance with more capacity more safety less maintenance cost and probably prettier.
Probably “Adam Something”
Yep that’s the one.
name a media person born after 1975who doesn’t know what his cock tastes like, and they have made a version of that video.
More chemicals than a SpaceX launch?
Waaah, waaaah, waaah…!
Time and place
Yeah, it’d be better just to cease their purchase and let them sit, completely useless. A burnt car gets an insurance payout. What about throwing those giant stickers on the windshield that don’t peel off without ripping and leave a ridiculous mess? There was a Russian YouTube channel where people would do that to people driving on sidewalks.
Bonus money and business for car detailers? Lol
I thought Teslas (or maybe just the Cyber truck?) wasn’t insurable. I thought that was the whole reason Tesla has to offer car insurance, because regular insurers won’t cover them.
Yeah, maybe. I didn’t know that was a thing, but I believe it
throwing those giant stickers on the windshield that don’t peel off without ripping
I read that in snowcrash, didn’t know it was a real thing.
I would agree normally, but at a larger scale, it would cost insurance more to replace everything leading to higher rates and possibly refusal of insurance due to the risk associated.
Their rates are already skyrocketing
Fair point
Musk: “Civil War is Inevitable!”
People destroy his company’s products.
Tracking devices with car (driving) features*
Awhh, boo hoo
It continues to amaze me just how many grown-ass adults have seemingly never moved beyond schoolyard-levels of maturity. This is like typical childhood bully stuff. And that’s before we even get into these immature manbabies actually have real power over people…
When I look at myself in the first grade and I look at myself now, I’m basically the same. The temperament is not that different.
- Donald Trump
I’m not even joking.
Holy shit
Yeah, that is actually, legitimately, terrifying. It also shows how insulated from reality these people are. They haven’t developed beyond being nasty schoolchildren becuase there was no impetus for them to.
So, I had to look it up, and first grade in the US is children that are 6 to 7 year olds. Which means that oddly enough, Donald seems to have told something true in his biography.
It would make my year if he cried live in an interview where it dawns on him that he’s the cause of his own demise. But he’s not smart enough.
He almost did actually. He was in an interview a little while ago where he was moments away from tears.
So what you’re saying is step up the protest.
That should be the course of action no matter if Musk is crying or not.
deleted by creator
Your self-driving Teslas literally drove a woman to the sea where it acted as her watery coffin, this was also the sister-in-law of a major Senator of the party YOU support
Can’t imagine what they’d do to people you actually don’t like.
I thought it was a pond on a ranch and she was drunk driving and the primary issue was the doors wouldn’t open so she drowned in the car? There was also recently a Cybertruck that crashed and burst into flames and the doors wouldn’t open so the teenagers inside were burned to death in what could have otherwise been a survivable crash.
The problem is the physical latch is hidden for esthetic purposes. So when something happens that cuts power to the main door release, it’s not easy to find the physical latch.
So for liability purposes they get to argue that those people weren’t locked in, they just didn’t know the safely mechanisms well enough.
In other words, they’re built to kill you and get away with it.
Yeah, I remember this at the time and while a lot of people were relishing the schadenfreude, there was still the perennial point that when UI/UX is any more difficult than it needs to be for a loathesome person, it’s equally difficult for everyone else, too. And when that UI is repsonsible for fundamental safety and it’s overcomplexity results in confusion during an emergency… well, yeah, there it is.
Apparently part of why they do that is because the window has to partially open for the door to open without damaging the window trim, because instead of having a frame around the window like most cars they needed to be different for *reasons*
You know how they demolish bridges that have become unsafe to use?
Well… its the same with vehicles… 👀
Who knows how many lives these heroes have saved.
Seems a shame to waste the batteries though.
Slashing tyres is probably more eco friendly.
“Vandalise Responsibly” isn’t advice I ever thought I’d have to consider but I can’t say I oppose it either.
Elon has done some impressive things but his voice carry’s as much weight as the president. Even more. To call for civil war seems reckless and will stir up the MAGA side. So with all his money and power he isn’t able to form some kind of mediation between all parties. He could be a beacon of reason and peace with his immense wealth. Why choose this path so quickly.
Elon has done some impressive things
The more I look into that, the more I question this.
He has has bought companies that have done impressive things and tarnished nearly to the point of ruin all but one of them.
He wasn’t the brainchild behind any of these products; he was, at most, the person who convinced venture capitalists to invest and the one who bargained with lawmakers to allow them.
I’m increasingly seeing brilliant people who have dealt with him in person mentioning that he has quite sub-par reasoning skills, and we’re seeing more and more of that in the news.
Well documented Elon literally hasn’t done anything impressive. His whole thing is buying into other companies and claiming to be the inventor/founder.
America on all sides is woefully bad at bullshit detection. Anyone that constantly talks themselves up should be scrutinized relentlessly
Because MAGA doesn’t respect discourse, only shows of strength no matter how sloppy or feeble
MAGA is also under the false impression that liberals don’t own guns.