Hello peeps. Life’s thrown me some curve-balls recently, and I’d like a bit of an escape. Can anyone recommend a decent game in the vein of Skyrim, Fallout or Deus Ex/System Shock for the steam deck, that isn’t 25 or 30 quid please? Something on offer for less than a tenner would be ideal. I’m sure there are some great older RPGs out there that I’ve missed, the Deck is the first time I’ve got back into gaming for quite a few years, and while I’m sure I could quite happily just play Brotato for the next few years, I reckon there’s something a bit more immersive out there for me to find!
Valheim is often on sale at $10 as well.
Valheim is a great game to just relax, chilling in the meadows, building and exploring.
For a second I got mixed up and interpreted your comment as
And I though “what kind of madman—“
How good is Valheim for solo play? I’m on the fence about getting it myself for the deck.
It’s great solo!
It’s my goto game when I’m a bit stressed and just want to change my mind and relax.
It’s settled then, once I finish fields of mistria I’m going to Valheim :)