I ordered a bag of Lavazza Super Crema for playing with my espresso machine, but wanted to try it out in the V60 for kicks.
Set the ESP to 24 and ground 17g. Brewed with 320ml of water. Coming from mostly light roasts, this taste a bit on the dark side for me, but overall a good balanced cup of coffee. I may go corser on the next brew, maybe 26.
I did 50ml for bloom (30 seconds) Add 70ml wait ten seconds Add 100ml wait ten seconds Add final 100ml
Happy brewing.
A bold experiment! The crema heavy espresso blends tend to have 20-40% Robusta content as this usually makes them a little milder / more forgiving and make more crema. I wouldn’t anticipate this much Robusta would make for a very interesting pour-over. Assuming you have the ability to brew an espresso out of it, I would think it might taste better as a Lugo pull or an Americano than as a pour-over but that’s just my guess.