See: Curtis Yarvin - his ideas are what drive and guide folk like musk, Vance, thiel, etc.
He wrote of a concept called RAGE.
Retire All Government Employees.
(He’s also a madman, racist, sexist, technocratic authoritarian who has some extremely disturbing views and plans for the future. Things are not going to get better until him and his clan are completely removed from any station of power or influence. And, indeed, from this planet. They want us dead. Or as slaves. And that is putting it mildly.)
Hes also not very smart and his reasoning is based on historical context that is filled with historical inaccuracies or cherry picked to support his arguments.
See: Curtis Yarvin - his ideas are what drive and guide folk like musk, Vance, thiel, etc.
He wrote of a concept called RAGE.
Retire All Government Employees.
(He’s also a madman, racist, sexist, technocratic authoritarian who has some extremely disturbing views and plans for the future. Things are not going to get better until him and his clan are completely removed from any station of power or influence. And, indeed, from this planet. They want us dead. Or as slaves. And that is putting it mildly.)
Further evidence that the only thing the Elon has is money. Not an original thought in there.
That makes Trump the actor on third-hand thoughts.
Such power.
Hes also not very smart and his reasoning is based on historical context that is filled with historical inaccuracies or cherry picked to support his arguments.