They’re quickly discovering they need certain people. Like the nuclear oversight people they fired. They don’t know what they are doing, and the plan cannot work.
The plan is to destabilize the US, cuz the people in charge of the US are domestic enemies to the US and its constitution. (Yo military peeps - sound familiar? Do your fucking job.)
The ‘scramble to rehire critical staff’ bit is pure show. The point is for that to fail.
They’re quickly discovering they need certain people. Like the nuclear oversight people they fired. They don’t know what they are doing, and the plan cannot work.
The plan is to destabilize the US, cuz the people in charge of the US are domestic enemies to the US and its constitution. (Yo military peeps - sound familiar? Do your fucking job.)
The ‘scramble to rehire critical staff’ bit is pure show. The point is for that to fail.
The plan never said anything about efficiency. The plan is, sadly, on track.
But they do need certain things to work.
I think another poster may have the right of it. Step 2 was never expected to work, and the point is to destabilize the US.