My favourite Metroid game has got to be Zero Mission on the GBA.

A weird choice maybe but it was my first metroid when I played the GBA, I thought the music and atmosphere was kick ass and enjoyed the simple enough controls.

For a 3D Metroid it would be the trilogy on Wii at the time.

What about you?

    8 days ago

    The Super Nintendo Metroid game was/is my favorite, but I’ll admit I haven’t play most of the Metroid games, so I’m not a good judge.

    The NES game was a ton of fun, but I felt and feel like the SNES game was just all of that and then some, if that makes sense to others.

    I played one of the 3D Metroid games (the one on the Wii). It was fun, I enjoyed what I played. But it did not scratch the same itch, if that makes sense. In fact, I don’t think I even played that game to completion.