“The United States has reached out to Denmark…”
You know, the country the United States wants to invade and forcefully take land from.
America: The dumbest rocks in the sock drawer.
Good thing we’ve got so many international allies and are known for being such a stable, reliable economic partner. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I haven’t read the news in two months and I need to catch up on current events.
Well, in those two months the USA has made new enemies by insulting and threatening with invade his own allies. Worst, the USA started an economic war against his allies for no reason.
So no, now we are not willing to help.
Guess I needed to add an /s to that one.
Let me see… since new years you have threatened to annex Greenland, had Musk call our finest astronaut retarded, called our Prime Minister retarded, recently Roger Stone called one of our conservative politicians a sick demented asshole on Twitter when said politician asked for the general secretary of NATO to not joke about Trump and Greenland and… oh yeah, Trump and Vance attacked and insulted our dear friend, President Zelenskyj on world wide TV.
So… how about no? Oh, I’m sorry: no, thank you.
Hey…just need to put this out there.
I’m sorry my government has the dumb. I am so, so embarrassed by how things are going and how horribly rude my so-called “leaders” are being to literally everyone.
I am not like that. I respect you and your country. I want to cry when I think about how Zelenskyj has been treated. I know many, many people just like me. We are NOT like our government. We are scared. Some of us are trying to get out of the country, but many of us literally cannot…for a host of reasons, many of which involve how little money we have been able to save while this is all happening.
I’m just so sorry. Not that this fixes anything. I’m just desperate to tell SOMEONE that. I hope you have a good day…and rest easier knowing I echo every sentiment of your post.
(not so) fun fact: This entire text mirrors the sentiments of half of Russians today.
So expect to be lumped in with the rest, enough Americans support this to represent the county as a whole.
Fun fact: I don’t blame Russians for Putin.
We get that some Americans voted against all this, and don’t support it.
And I hope those reasonable Americans can rescue their country from the situation it has caused for itself.
But for now, as the leadership of the USA is attacking my country, my response has to be to protect my country from the insanity that has taken over America.
I wish you well, and hope you guys can fix your country before it destroys us all.
And I genuinely wish you all the luck in doing so. The defender should have the luck against the aggressor. I hope the USA either gets its shit together or unceremoniously implodes. I want as few collateral damage as possible.
Then we figure out how insignificant we are individually and start pulling as a team…maybe make a country worth having for once.
But without the oligarchs.
Ah, don’t worry. I do not hold the American people responsible for what has happened to your country. When it comes down to it, the individual American has very little say in what it’s government is doing and in my opinion, your government has been very successful in manipulating its population into believing in a very untrue and very romantic image of how America is and how it is perceived in the world at large.
So don’t apologize. You can’t help where you were born and raised, neither can the rest of the world’s population. I cant help that i was born and raised in a country that decided to spy on its european neighbors for America and i would be very annoyed if people online blamed me personally for what some retards in charge have decided to do. If anything, my sympathies goes out to people like you who are trapped in that hellhole. I do hope this is just a very unfortunate stumble in American history and that your country will return to form and eventually evolve socially like I have wished for you for decades.
I will be honest, I have very few nice things to say about America, long before trump even came on my radar. I have despised America for most of my life, but I don’t hate all Americans. At all. It’s not your fault your country is built on a system that caters to the rich and teaches its people that all things that are good for the people is evil communism while all things good for the 1% is good for everybody. You guys deserves so much better.
America as an institution and a public face on the world scene, however, I have no love for. I never had and I wasn’t surprised when it decided to stab us in the back the moment we needed it despite us bleeding money and young men’s blood for the American institution for 20 years. I am not surprised that we are being treated this way. It fits perfectly with the American playbook I have witnessed since I was a kid and saw Bush use 911 to invade the middle east and high key sent a message to the rest of us that if we weren’t on America’s side we would be their enemy. Which is partially why I think we ended up joining you in Iraq and Afghanistan.
But no, I’m not surprised that this is our reward for bleeding for the American institution. Threats of annexing our territory, childish insults to our politicians, abandoning Ukraine and making friends with Russia. America has only ever cared about its own interests while pretending to be the world hero. All trump did was going mask off and that must be a shock to some Americans who believed the American institution was good and selfless.
Those people are really not paying attention to history at all. There is definitely a reason people want to bomb us. We earned that hate.
I really wish people could pick a different country…like, nope, I disagree with literally everything here. Next!
But that only works if you have enough money to completely relocate…and then you’re leaving the country slightly crappier than before. But I don’t blame my friends for leaving. They aren’t safe here anymore…
Honestly, there is no need for any of us to bomb the US when the US government pretty much does that already.
For what it is worth, I hope your friends find better lives to where ever they have relocated. I also hope that you find a way to live that is happy and peaceful in spite of what is happening in your country.
I am currently preparing myself for a semi-perminent state of war in Europe where Russia will terrorize in the east and America will terrorize in the west. I hope that it won’t get that far, but I am also preparing myself for my country being possibly invaded by America. Hopefully this won’t happen, but the way things are moving, I’m starting to preparing myself for it.
I feel sad for the kids who have to grow up in this scenario. I hope my own nieces and nephews will get to experience a peaceful Europe again someday. The only good thing to come out of this is is that we have been forced to stand up for ourselves instead of relying on others. It was weak of us to believe that the rest of the world learned the same lessons during ww2 that we did. Russia obviously didn’t and neither did America. Where our takeaway from ww2 was humility, responsibility and forgiveness, the US spent decades making romantic war movies where they cast themselves as the heroes of ww2. It was always about glory and ego for the US. There was very little in understanding of the cost of that war and that makes sense because it didn’t happen in your backyard. And maybe that is why your country loves war so much. Because war never happens to you. It is something you inflict on others or use to make yourselves richer. (I don’t mean you personally, I’m talking about the institution)
Oh I completely agree!! 100%
Well said.
Solidarity hug! I hope we will all have a better future ahead of us than the current trajectory. 🤗❤️
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I would not send a single good egg until Jan 2029.
I’d give Drumph some eggs, if only he would come within range…
Actually I would send them ONE egg, so that they can suck on it.
Why then? It’ll just be another corrupt warmonger. Might call themselves a democrat but in the end they still serve evil.
Ask for 50% mineral rights and a thank you.
OOTL… What’s with the thank you meme?
American responding here.
JD Vance and Trump both told Zelenskyy that he never said thank you for our help. They are such fucking twats and ignore how many times he’s said it in the past publicly.
Oh gotcha. Thanks for the response. Hopefully we as a country figure it out before it’s too late. My Facebook feed doesn’t give me much hope though…
Trump/Vance and Zelensky had a meeting recently where it was ridiculous hostile and mentioned trival things like Zelensky didn’t say thank you. I would recommend watching it but it very embarrassing for a “world leader” to be so hostile to a friendly nation.
That’s why Zelensky went on x and thank everyone afterwards
Oooh… I did watch that video, just must have missed that part of it with all the other nonsense that went on in that meeting. It was embarrassing for sure
Its at 2:20 I think.
It’s what the administration demanded in order to ‘talk to’ Putin about ending the war in Ukraine.
Good lord… Don’t tell me more. I can’t roll my eyes any harder than I already am…
The fastest way to have a people turn on it’s leaders is for the food supply to be threatened.
Wouldn’t it be wonderful if Americans turned on their leaders?
Yup. The US is currently deporting a significant portion of it’s agricultural workforce, while putting insane tariffs on the countries it imports food from, while also doing major cuts to the government which makes problems like avian flue more likely.
The Trump regime has a very “let them eat cake” approach to the food supply.
while putting insane tariffs on the countries it imports food from
Also on the country they import most of their fertilizer from.
Real “stable genius” moves going on there.
Interesting that the orange traitor flooded CA’s farms in response to the recent wildfires, while also threatening undocumented farm workers, while also levying taxes across broad swaths of the economy. Seems to me that he’s been instructed on actions to take to raise food prices. Hmm…
Don’t forget the whole pretending that bird flu doesn’t exist thing.
FUCK THAT. Let’s see eggs go to $5/each. We need to face the consequences of our collective fucking idiot electoral choices.
I’m confused as to why people are still buying eggs. I’ve gotten on fine without them all my life
They were a relatively cheap, healthy, reliable source of protein. Also, they’re delicious.
Probably the most versatile food as well.
Eggs have been a staple poverty food in the US. Frying up one egg can give you your whole day’s supply of protein plus a lot of nutrients, and it used to be that it could do that for about 20 cents. No more, though.
…7 grams of protein as a day’s supply? Ok
Ok I definitely thought they had more. Maybe I’m thinking of a different nutrient. I don’t remember. Point is they are nutritious and they used to be cheap.
Cheese is the best source of protein for normal non-bodybuilder food.
Cheese is high in fat, making it a bad source of protein for most people. It’s delicious, but no very healthy.
Sixty five percent of adults worldwide are lactose intolerant. Not a good source for the majority.
Probably mostly restaurants right now.
I like making Dutch babies
…I wanna know what kind of kinky shit you’re into if impregnating Dutch women requires a dozen eggs?
Rofl! You made me drop my phone.
Its a pancake.
Dutch baby, also known as a German pancake, is a large, oven-baked pancake, similar to a popover or Yorkshire
Oooooooooohhhhhhhh…that actually sounds really good lol sorry for the confusion.
No worries, it was sort of intentional
Kneel down and beg.
Hilarious. The US reaching out to the people they’ve insulted, threatened or victimized in some way, shape or form and asking them for help. And when they get refused, they’ll tell the American people that everyone is being so mean to them.
That’s what happens when the country is led by someone who has never faced consequences fir anything
The eggs aren’t even that much more expensive to produce. The hit has only been about 2%. There’s still plenty of eggs. And it’s the same with getting free range eggs instead of battery/cage - the increase in production price is pretty small, really.
It comes down to the same thing: the market charging premiums. They charge more for free range because it’s ‘luxury’. They charge more for organic because it’s ‘lifestyle’. And they charge more for eggs during US strife because it’s ‘supply and demand’.
They have the supply. They also have an excuse, and nobody is regulating them. The country doesn’t need to buy eggs en masse, it needs to regulate pricing.
They actually don’t have the supply. The USA is short tens of millions of eggs because of all the hens they had to slaughter due to bird flu. Which RFK probably doesn’t think is real.
Which RFK probably doesn’t think is real.
This is the danger. The conspiracy crowd is already denying bird flu. The culls are evidence of government conspiracy to force us to eat da bugs/fake meat.
We’re going to hit a pandemic which our government will pretend does not exist. The narrative has already been hammered out on Facebook for them.
sounds like socialism to me. allow the invisible hand to work.
If the invisible hand end up yeeting Trump out of the White House, I’m all for it
everything except actually putting the companies responsible in check.
Bird flu talk sounds a little too close to vaccine talk, and farmers vote Republican.
Welp, that is a pretty legit-looking counterexample to the Trump administration helping farmers. I still stand by what I wrote, though. The countryside is red and bird flu is causing the egg shortage.
Theirs are the freedoms that we spend lives to protect.
deleted by creator
Do not help us. This is what we deserve.
What’s ironic is that from all countries he is asking Denmark. Greenland is An autonomous territory under the kingdom of Denmark.
I heard that before asking Greenland he was asking Canada as well.
Is he trying to neg us by threatening our sovereignty and then asking for a favour??? Most high schoolers know better than to fall for that. Like, get real.
I think that’s the point. Bullying/Threatening countries and then “asking” them for help. Then if they don’t oblige he uses it to booster support for the bullying and threats. Similar ordeal with cutting aid to Egypt and then asking them to take something like 1.5 million people in from Gaza that Trump doesn’t want on their homeland.
I think you meant “kingdom of Denmark” there, but yeah
Fixed, thank you
We don’t recognize monarchies as valid governments here.
Thank you for your sacrifice.
An egged-up Australian
Change your display name to True Facts
Oh, so now the US has pivoted to strongman style diplomacy where you rattle your sabre and then ask for concessions? I’ve bought a fresh carton of eggs last week, Orange Felon and his tech bro boyfriend can have them projectile delivered straight to their stupid mugs.
What do you mean “now”? This has been standard practice for the past 200 years.
Air delivered eggs from another continent, surely they’re going to be cheap. If only there were at least two neighboring countries that could be able to send them for cheaper…
Unfortunately they have totally unpreventable tariffs right now. I said totally unavoidable. No way to prevent it.
Very sad, very sad
Everyone’s saying it.
Trump Says “We Don’t Need Products From Canada”. Repeatedly said in recorded interviews.
Why would anyone want to help ?
For profit.
Citizen of the United States here. Don’t. Assume whatever this orange anal fistula offers to pay will in fact not be paid. Assume whatever agreement brokered will immediately be ignored or violated. Assume this pus filled clementine will still try to “take” Greenland.
Let this shithole 3rd world country burn. It asked for fascism in the form of egg prices, let them deal with their egg prices.
As a Canadian, the US can have my eggs on the condition of the delivery method being lobbing them over the border at official government buildings.
Ok that’s fair
Also a Yank. At this point we really do deserve the punishment. I just hope that when we get a new administration in a little less than four years the world has a shred of sympathy for us.
Unfortunately Europe can’t wait four years for the US to start taking their responsibilities on the world stage seriously again. Russia will almost certainly move within that time, so Europe is now having to build up its defenses in a way that they’ve never previously had to do since the 1940s. Assuming the US does come around (that is a big “if”) by that point Europe will have already got used to using its own military. The US will no longer be required.
I really don’t see any way that things can now go back to the way they were. Trade will, but I think the days of cooperative military action are over. If you guys get embroiled in another pointless war in the Middle East, I think you’re going to have to do that on your own.
Trade is unlikeky to return. There was a short us-eu tariffs War during Trumps first presidency. I think it was on fruit. The buyers found suppliers in other countries and havent returned.
This time around the eu tariff warriors are going for about 100 times as much in tariffs and are attacking republican mainstays, such as louisiana (som beans) where the republican speaker Mike Johnson got his mandate.
Trump will rage and consider it election interference. We will snicker and ignore that.
Trade well not go back to normal in four years. How could you ever trust any sort of deal singed by America? I sure hope we get more tech companies globally out of this and we stop selling them to American companies.
It will only take two years if people actually fucking vote in the midterms. But midterm turnout is historically… Well… Complete dogshit. And republicans are statistically more likely to vote in midterms.
That’s why Trump is moving so fast to try and secure things; He doesn’t truly have four years to cement himself as god-emperor. He only has two before he potentially loses his majority in congress. So he has to be crowned before then.
But even with that being said, I don’t have high hopes. As I said before, republicans are more likely to vote in midterms. Maybe Trump’s antics will be enough to get some blue voters off of their asses. But at this point, I’m not holding my breath.
They rigged the election through gerrymandering. They have had this planned for a long time. We are not playing the same game anymore.
I hope that you get a new administration in a little less than 4 years.
The Republicans aren’t destroying the rule of law and hand absolute power to the presidency, just to give it to the opposition on the next occasion.
I don’t believe you. Or you’re not a stake holder anywhere. I have children. Wishing for things to get get worse is fucking stupid.
He said he wishes for things to get better, though.
I’m a US citizen and I agree with them 100%. A bunch of us tried to tell everyone that Trump was a fascist dumpster fire that would try to make himself king, trash the economy and violate everyone’s civil and human rights. A bunch of ding dongs voted for him anyway. Now he’s making outlandish and insulting demands of our allies, fucking up trade and markets (along with abusing the civil and human rights of some protesters, asylum seekers and random travelers, oh, and throwing Ukraine under the bus and encouraging a fucking measles outbreak). So yeah, I don’t want my house and retirement savings to go into the shitter if the country goes full Nazi and I have to flee with nothing. So maybe if some folks have to do without eggs and cheap imports for a while they just might maybe learn that we need to pull the US out of this tailspin before it’s too late. Some fucking people just will not listen when you tell them the stove is hot. So now we all suffer while they touch the red hot burner and go “Duho, that hurts!”
At the moment, you definitely do. Most of you, and not just Trump voters. Why are you guys so fucking passive? Where are the millions of people protesting on the streets? Where’s the civil disobedience? The strikes? With the attitude the Americans show currently, there will be no elections in 4 years, hell, there might not even be mid-term elections in 2
The news media here are owned. Those things are happening, but they’re not being reported.
What about social media? The news media isn’t censoring Lemmy, why aren’t protestors at least sharing photos and videos here to get the word out?
So, millions of people are protesting?
I don’t know what’s happening everywhere else but I’m joining protests in my area when they pop up. It really isn’t being reported to diminish dissent
Kudos to you for doing your part. It’s just so disappointing to see how you guys are the minority fighting an uphill battle and how so little support comes from the Democrats or any other powerful organization
I’ve gone to the protests. Sadly, millions are not protesting.
Everybody here is paycheck-to-paycheck. Missing work because you were illegally detained at a protest may be the difference between living in a crappy apartment, or living under a bridge.
Part of the 2025 playbook is to get trump unlimited unchecked power, and use the military to enforce it domestically. Riots in the streets would certainly do that.
Right now, trump is doing more harm to his constituents than to his enemies. Republican politicians can barely show their faces in their own distric here. Don’t give them another target to transfer that hate to.
I’ve got kids and pets and I work with kids at an emergency shelter. Getting locked up means I could lose my job, which means I’d lose my shelter and my pets, maybe my kids…all because I decided to protest something that no politician in my area will even pay attention to.
I do protest sometimes, but I’m waiting. When there are things I can help with, I do that. But I’m not traveling several hours to get to a protest so I can get beat by cops, arrested, and potentially lose everything. This is a marathon, not a sprint…and I need to be able to help those who are already being left behind.
But my heart is with those who can protest. I share their stories when I see them. I make signs for them and have a kit to help anyone who gets hurt during a local protest. I walk and protest myself when I’m able…but yeah, I can’t go to every single one.
I don’t know if it helps anyone, but you don’t need eggs to survive
Exactly, hamburgers, fries, kfc and pizza are all egg-free. What do they need eggs for, breakfast menu at macdonalds?
Doesn’t KFC use eggs in the batter?
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What does it look like when one of the world’s superpowers can’t even ensure they can provide such a basic thing as eggs to their citizens.
If it was any other country at any other time, I doubt this would even hit the news. But it’s the US after refusing vaccinations, losing a bunch of stock to a disease, all whilst claiming the egg prices will be lowered, so here we are.It’s called a revolt.
The United States isn’t a superpower.
It’s just a country with a lot of guns.
It’s the foremost superpower by the definition of the word.
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I feels very Soviet Uniony, but the US has always a lot in common with Russia…
Most of my cookie recipes use eggs!
Look up vegan alternatives to eggs. I know applesauce can be used in cookies as my wife has done this. Also if you need eggs in savory recipes avocados have the same fat to protein ratio and work great
Don’t avocados have an insane ecological footprint?
Yup and are comparable in price to eggs currently I didn’t say it was a practical alternative just that they work as a perfect replacement. More of just highlighting there are options.
One of my kids is super allergic to eggs so we’ve gone years without them in the house and found ways to adjust recipes due to that and other food allergies.
plus, nowhere near as cruel.
*compared to other plants.
They are associated with less carbon emissions per kg than eggs. Normally the real issue is that we’re exporting the ecological impacts, but if people are importing eggs, avocados are probably better of both fronts. Source
I personally use flax as an egg replacer most of the time.
The cool thing is theres like a dozen different alternatives that all taste different, which cab be overwhelming at first but you have a lot more choice as well. Apple sauce is excellent for a lot of sweet breakfast recipes and pastries. We’ve used bananas too, and like you said avocado is a good choice too.
Aquafaba from garbanzo beans is an excellent egg substitute for baking.
Oh man, most of my egg recipes do too
What will I eat with my bacon?!
More bacon.
Perhaps a couple of Lipitor? In my house we’ve started saving money by substituting Wegovy for eggs in our recipes.