The Front considered that the adoption of this resolution by the Security Council, despite attempts to weaken, dilute and empty it of its content and link it to a temporary and not sustainable ceasefire by the American administration and its allies, confirms that the entire world is fed up with the Zionist entity for the genocide it commits against our people in the Strip and that the U.S. administration could not bear the consequences of voting for another veto after the escalation of public outrage at the U.S. administration’s positions on the aggression.

The Front appreciated the valuable efforts made by Algeria, alongside a large number of countries supporting the cause, to reach this resolution and their continued pressure to stop the aggression and genocide war in a sustainable manner.

The Front concluded its statement by emphasizing that the lesson is in implementing this resolution and that the ball is now in the United Nations’ court to force the occupation to comply with the resolution on the path to adopting a clear decision to stop the aggression completely and sustainably, especially since the occupation has not implemented a single international resolution throughout its history.