What you just said is important – that a tariff is a tax and it is passed on to consumers,” the host said.
“Of course it is,” Mullin replied. “Everybody knows that.”
“That is something the white house does not acknowledge,” Collins said.
“No, that is something that the president, who as a business person, understands that completely,” Mullin insisted. “No one understands the economy better than this president. There hasn’t been a president that understands the economy better than this president.”
wtf?! well, that was a 1984 “how many fingers am I holding up, winston” moment. damn!
How was this not followed up with “Mr. Trump has repeatedly said that his tariffs are a tax that other countries pay to the US, that US prices will not go up as a result of these tariffs, and in fact has once said he wanted to create the External Revenue Service just to handle all the huge checks that these governments are going to pay. What is your response to that?”
Now we all know this would either be answered by more GOP doublespeak or by the Senator pulling a temper tantrum, walking out, and claiming the reporter was hostile. But damn these people need to start asking the hard questions. Trump has these people tripping all over themselves trying to keep their bullshit straight. It’s not hard to get them in a position where they are making contradictory statements and they need to start being called out on it live and in real time.
Just like when Trump says that these tariffs are paid for by the affected government. One of these reporters needs to get Trump on record again saying that the foreign governments are the ones paying the tariffs. Then, follow up with “These countries have imposed retaliatory tariffs against US goods. Has the United States started writing checks to these governments to pay for the tariffs being imposed?” And when Trump gives the inevitable “No”, then ask “So what makes you think they’re the ones writing checks to us?”
And it needs to be done live and in real time so Trump doesn’t have the opportunity to edit it.
Ha, so dumb.
MAGA = Y’all are f✓cking re+ards!
As intended.
is there anything to admit? that’s a fact
Republicans admitting something is a fact is news because it rarely happens.
Republican admits that green actually is the color green
By total accident
I’m sorry, I can’t take anything that someone named “Markwayne” says seriously.
Edit: try saying his name without a southern accent. You can’t.
I now have you tagged as “Markwayne”. Thanks for the idea!
Life’s lonely at the top. Get used to it. lol
Markwayne is two names put together. It’s greedy. Markwayne is a greedy man!
I am pretty confident I know what his accent is like just by reading his name.
Don’t worry, he’s also 4 feet tall and has a complex about it
While politicians have free healthcare.
Was watching this last night, these scum bags are just slippery as hell with how they talk about issues.
Bitch ass markwayne was terrified of the insurrectionists on J6 never forget
The real question is which consumers; I can’t imagine that Trump is in the business of giving things away for nothing in return.
That’s what I’m saying man, where the Grif? Cause I know there must be one? How is Trump getting money from other countries having to pay more for our stuff, or having us pay more for theirs?
Or is this another Russia thing were Putin wants to distract from his invasion of Ukraine? Or maybe Putin just wants western economies to be stressed til the collapse?
the grift is built in. its going to pay for tax cuts for the ultra wealthy.
Wouldn’t the ultra wealthily have more wealth if the 90% of Americans could afford to buy more than just the basics + rent/utilities?
the top 10% of asset owners now account for 50% of all spending. this used to be ~30% years ago. discretionary spending by the vast majority of the population is in terminal decline.
your best bet to finish the extraction of wealth from the bulk of society is a (not so) hidden tax on necessities, and this is exactly what the tariffs are - a non congressionally approved tax.
tariffs, combined with the dismantling of public services and social security, will allow trump to fund his multi trillion $ tax breaks for his real base. you and I are the surplus thatbwill now be funnelled upwards.
Say it frequently to dirtbags: Trump Tariff Taxes
Took em almost 2 months to realize. lol
This is merely performative talk. The GOP has assimilated already.
Each day, they get more brazen, and we are still stuck holding the bag.
Mullin is such a stupid bastard and a coward. Oklahoma is only good at pumping out extereme MAGA politicians. It’s their biggest export. Put a tariff on them.