More people need to play BioShock to understand why this is a bad idea.
They keep trying this shit even though it never works. (Like there’s literally no pictures of this actually, totally existent place. But it’s a paradise. Trust me.)
Let them do it, then point and laugh and don’t let them back into civilization.
I think it’s hilarious that they are so dumb that a satire movie like RoboCop is regarded as blueprint for the future. How cartoonishly evil do they have to be?
Libertarians do not understand how society works.
The baseline, no. The thinkers are just trying to restablish slavery.
Christ, why did we have to get the Shitty Dystopia versions from Snow Crash, Jennifer Government, and every Gibson novel, but none of the cool and fun shit like flying cars, off-planet living, and advanced medical/cybernetic tech.
Gonna have the corpo company town again. Instead of an online walled garden it’ll be a walled city with it’s own currency that gets traded at a steep loss if you try to go anyplace nicer. Keep you in your place.
Can’t wait to pick out which burbclave to join…
These tech libertarians never stop trying to make their own company towns.
Here was a recent failed attempt.
Also this piece never gets old.
This is one of my favorites:
A Libertarian Walks into a Bear
It would be funny if a billionaire shit ass wasn’t doing this exact thing on a national level.
Yay! Corporate towns! I look forward to be paid in company script!
Scrip, no t, but there are positive pro community versions of this where cities use their own as a way of circulating money within the local economy.
I agree, it’s a novel approach for small towns that are trying to rebuild or boost their local economy.
We can all agree that the Corporate scrip is just a fancy of screwing workers.
Isn’t this how RoboCop starts.
It’s also like Chapter 4 in Parable of the Sower
War Is Peace. Freedom Is Slavery. Ignorance Is Strength.
Did these guys play cyberpunk? Like that game pretty much embodies what these guys are asking for.
I think Musk has talked about the game, and obviously every message was completely lost on him and his main takeaway was that “Arasaka is cool. I want to be that.”
That is exactly what they want.
“Blade Runner would drive a cybertruck!”
Hey everyone, Chaz from Cool Sci-Fi Productions Brought to Life LLC here with an exciting announcement! Our team of dedicated overpaid engineers has finally finished our first working prototype of the famous Planetary Destruction Cannon from the cult-classic 1982 film “Do Not Build Planetary Destruction Cannons!”
They would love that. That game is all about execs essentially being royalty. That’s like their wet dream.
I thought the same thing. Scary AF
According to interviews and presentations viewed by WIRED, the goal of these cities would be to have places where anti-aging clinical trials, nuclear reactor startups, and building construction can proceed without having to get prior approval from agencies like the Food and Drug Administration, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, and the Environmental Protection Agency.
Yes because the first thing I think needs regulations is fucking nuclear power!
Can we just build an artificial island in the middle of the ocean for these losers? Just drop them there and let them try to figure it out. See how long before they come begging for help.
Sounds too much like Vault-Tec for my tastes.
The “move fast and break things” mantra of silicon valley is bad enough when you aren’t talking about breaking a goddamn nuclear reactor.
If anyone reads that and goes “hell yea”…
Also what the fuck is a “nuclear reactor startup”?!? God, tech bros really take a whole bunch of privilege and advantage and just throw it all away to be dumber than anyone could have thought possible.
It’s like a regular nuclear reactor, except it’s run by people who don’t know anything about nuclear reactors, the waste is dumped wherever without consequence, and the power output is only used to run an AI and mine cryptos.
Why stop there? Can we get a nuclear and biological weapons startup in there too?!
Yeah, this would be bad for everyone. Even the corps. I don’t think any CEO actually wants to become an actual real life general.
Because there would be wars from these ‘independent’ corps.
There we go. Now we’re looking at the Star Trek dystopia that we expected last year.
Just a bit delayed
This “plan” is literally the setting of Snow Crash