• AllonzeeLV@lemmy.world
    7 months ago

    There’s no fixing this country. I’ll vote for the band-aid yet again in Biden, just like last time and Clinton before, but we’re bleeding out and Biden pulling it out won’t change that, only buy a little more time with no path to not bleeding out.

    The people without meaningful capital, most people, have literally no unequivocal advocates with significant power, even Biden straddles the line of trying to play to us while appeasing the political briber class.

    They own the means of production, state violence, mass media propaganda, and even set curriculum from K-Colleges of economics to indoctrinate us to be our blatant con-game of an economy’s defenders.

    Things will continue to decline until the people accept this and revolt, or far more likely, our rigged market capitalist con-game collapses having conquered the board and having no new unexploited markets to metastasize/grow with. Our wealthiest will be fine, don’t worry, none have loyalty to any nation-state, and they all have temperate places of escape to avoid the consequences of their actions, alls well that ends well for the ones that matter.

    The capital markets that own you and I don’t care what their middle managers in DC do to us, only what DC can funnel to them.

    If that means glorious profit from rage clicks as Trump gets PEASANT women arrested for abortions and PEASANT minorities murdered by his mobs with impunity, don’t worry significant capital holders will be immune as usual, then our capitalist owners only have one thing to say: “you had us at glorious profit.”

    And don’t forget kids, market capitalism is the only way. That’s why we used our intelligence agencies and military to topple entire regimes attempting something else for more than half a century to keep those markets open for our capitalist’s exploitation, because market capitalism is the only way. Any other economic system will fail, we’ll continue to use every tool at our disposal to make sure of that.

    • Riccosuave@lemmy.world
      7 months ago

      I second what Nudding said. This was emaculately well written, and I am thankful for having the opportunity to read it. You perfectly elucidated the existential angst of everyone who is paying attention to the slow motion collapse of Amerikan Empire.

    • Nudding@lemmy.world
      7 months ago

      You have a lovely way with words. People can more easily imagine the end of the world than the end of capitalism, and that’s one of the reasons why we will fail.

    • Impound4017@sh.itjust.works
      7 months ago

      This is like the fourth time I’ve seen you comment something unfathomably based.

      Depressing as it is, I couldn’t agree more. I fear for the future of our country.