• psilocybin@discuss.tchncs.de
    11 months ago

    These types of stories have been popping up around the world

    Can you specify? How many cases do you know? And in which countries? Otherwise its hard to guess if the CIA can fake it. But I’d say if it is up, say to a hundred then: Yes totally something the CIA could and would do.

    and I doubt the CIA has that kind of reach in some attempt to… what… make China look bad?

    To influence public opinion and manufacture consent for a wide range of political actions against the only threat to US hegemony in existence

    That is not even close to the “too ridiculous for the CIA to do” scale. They once produced Bin-Laden dolls whose face would scrape off to reveal a demon. It was called operation Devils Eyes.

    You have to imagine people sit there 8h a day to hatch schemes on how to best sway public opinions

    Some of the assasination attempts on Castro were also quite ridiculous.

    • SpooneyOdin@lemmy.ml
      11 months ago

      It’s in the article I referenced:

      “Last December, a report from NGO Safeguard Defenders said it had identified 102 Chinese police stations operating in 53 countries, including five in Canada.”

      To be fair, the article you posted claims that NGO is some kind of CIA backed organization. I don’t know if I really buy that, but I suppose it is possible. Antcedotally, I’ve heard other stories of China doing stuff like this (particularly when there were a lot of Hong Kong protests) but I’ll admit I don’t have much first hand evidence myself. It’s just, on a balance of probabilities, I’m much more likely to believe that an authoritarian regime like China is capable of doing it.

      Also that example about the “Devil Eyes” dolls is bit disengenious to bring up. Your own source states that they only ever built a few prototypes. Granted, it does say an anonymous Chinese source says hundreds were shipped to Pakistan, but again I don’t think we can really trust China’s take on this.

      The CIA has lots of looney plans (likely a product of Military-Industrial complex), but not many come to fruition becasue they are not practical.