Each of these posts have been accompanied by an image, a romantic fruit bowl bought by the guardian as a Valentine’s gift. A bed in a new flat with one double bed to be share with the father, and a few others that followed the same pattern but I have forgotten the post. These posts also seem to delete.
Any ideas the hell is going on with this?
The bed is super weird. But it’s not weird in a lot of places for valentines gifts to extend to “anyone you love in any capacity” instead of strictly romantic love. My mom has given me chocolates and a valentines card every year since I can remember and it’s a normal thing around here.
Yeah, my dad would get me and my twin something small and mother something big. So if he got her a lot of chocolates, we’d get a little thing of chocolates! The bed thing is
Yeah I’ve given my daughter something for Valentines Day every year, it’s pretty normal?
true and i think within reason sending a family member a Valentines gift can be normal and have no romantic intention. the recent posting following a particular pattern of behavior does however concern me and without that previous context i wouldn’t of noticed the bouquet of fruit.