While Education and Organizing is building the parts for a new engine the rest of the year.

  • TropicalDingdong@lemmy.world
    9 months ago

    Vote dem, move right slowly. Vote GOP move right fast AF, with added racism, hatred, and Christo-fascist oppression as well.

    It comes down to that the DNC/ DCCC and their voters are fundamentally not aligned in terms of incentives and priorities, and most discussant in places like this simply do not appreciate that. Whereas, the GOP and their voter base,are at least aligned, on their priorities and at least dubiously on incentives. This is demonstrated by their ability to provide for their voters once in office. You can and should hate what the priorities of the GOP are, however, you shouldn’t deny that they deliver for their voters when it comes time to do so. They make their voters priorities a priority once elected, and work their asses off to get these shitty, inhumane policies into place.

    The DNC/DCCC have historically treated their voters as an inconvenience, in a very technocratic, “we’re the experts, we know better” fashion. Its a kind of anti-populism that was best expressed in the Hillary campaign, but also in how Obama ran his administration. To the DNC/DCCC, their voters are an inconvenience at best. Frankly, they’d probably prefer having a rightwing base, because they would better align with their actual prioritize. The result is that when elected, DCCC candidates don’t work or fight for the things they campaigned on, because they truly don’t think those things are priorities. This trickles down into a lack of results to their base, causing them to struggle because they consistently fail to deliver for the people that vote for them.

    Edit because I wanted to highlight some things…

    Observe the difference:

    Hillary on the trail, 2016: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MN6iwqthZrU

    Hillary takes the position of “knowing better”, that the protesters need to basically sit down and shut up.

    Bernie on the trail, 2016: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gjt56Tdhhqk

    Bernie gives them the mic and the time to get their message across.

    • rivermonster@lemmy.world
      9 months ago

      In my lifetime, a dem only ever once gave me something to vote FOR, and I actively campaigned for him-Obama. And the first thing he did was give up on universal care and then even on public option. But he’s making millions by leveraging his presidency, so he’s a good little capitalist.

      And the banks still appreciate him vailing them out while ficking us all and all our municipalities, etc.