Landlord wants the job done fast, meanwhile the contractors know that the landlord isn’t the one actually living there so they can get away with cutting corners.
This painting wasn’t done carefully with a brush or roller, it was done by spraying with a jet of paint.
It took them no time at all to paint this, because they just blasted it at the same time they were doing the rest of the wall, without even caring it was there.
What would have taken time would be to try and carefully spray around without getting any paint on it (or the proper solution, to remove it from the wall before painting)
Combination, right.
Landlord wants the job done fast, meanwhile the contractors know that the landlord isn’t the one actually living there so they can get away with cutting corners.
…and not cutting in corners!
This actually took more effort!
How so?
They could have just not painted it
This painting wasn’t done carefully with a brush or roller, it was done by spraying with a jet of paint.
It took them no time at all to paint this, because they just blasted it at the same time they were doing the rest of the wall, without even caring it was there.
What would have taken time would be to try and carefully spray around without getting any paint on it (or the proper solution, to remove it from the wall before painting)