tryptaminev 🇵🇸 🇺🇦 🇪🇺

  • 6 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • We don’t need industrial farming to feed the world. We need industrial farming to provide excess amounts of meat and dairy products and sustain an abhorrent food waste.

    In western countries half to two thirds of farmland are used for animal feed. by reducing our meat overconsumption by half, which would still far exceed what is considered a healthy diet, we could make 25% of farmland available for feeding humans. 30-40% of food in the US is wasted. About 10% of food in the EU is wasted. So if the US would reduce its food waste to European standards that would make another 20-30% of farmland available.

    So simply by cutting down overconsumption and food waste, we could increase the available farmland by 50% and accept 2/3s of current yields per hectar in the US w.o. any reduction in available food. When looking at farmers who switched from industrial to more sustainable farming, they achieve the same and sometimes increasing yields, as the crucial natural ability is restored with a healthier soil and more biodiversity, protecting against all sorts of pests and allowing for pollination.

    Industrial farming is a death sentence to the world, as it destroys the very foundation of farming. An intact soil and an intact ecosystem to allow the plants to grow.

  • I disagree with that. In Western countries typically half to two thirds of agricultural land are used for meat and dairy production. We have plenty of food available to sustain the current or even growing populations without depending on mineral fertilizers. Farming techniques have significantly evolved over the past two hundred years and the crop yield of an intelligently managed field without mineral fertilizers is not signficantly lower than what is achieved by conventional farming. With the added difference that conventional farming is actively destroying the soil and killing the insects that are vital to maintaining agriculture.

  • You know things are bad, when both sides of US politics rely on desinformation and populist narratives.

    Biden is 81 years old and regularly showed in public appearances that he is mentally declining. Trump shows the same.

    The fact that both sides of the two party system band together to claim that the age and mental state of their candidates should not be a clear reason to exclude both canidates is insane to look at from the outside. How can the US still delude itself into being anything but a nuclearly armed corrupt oligarchy, when these two candidates is the “best” the nation has to offer? How can you still delude yourself into believing that this is not the result of an oligarchy that will never allow a candidate to actually bring the economic change necessary to protect the poor people and make the rich people contribute fairly to society?

    One party is rapeing you from the front and the other party is rapeing you from behind and you argue about which way around it is better instead of seeing to end getting fucked over.